'Interesting exercise' to remove massive glass louvres

Publish Date : 06 Sep 2016
'Interesting exercise' to remove massive glass louvres

Sixty-four glass louvres have been removed from the southeastern corner of the Britomart Transport Centre Glasshouse to prepare for the temporary removal of basalt stone benches and the Michael Parekowhai steel tree sculptures.

These works will be repeated on the northeast corner of the Glasshouse.

The items weigh between two and four tonnes and each will be lifted from the interior of the building by crane, through the open Glasshouse corners.

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Safety first

At all other times a tarpaulin is securely fixed to the Glasshouse to protect the interior of the station from the elements.

'Interesting exercise'

“It’s an interesting logistical exercise,” says Nick Craig, Site Engineer.

“The sculptures and seats were installed before the roof was added during the original Britomart works in 2002/2003."

"They sit in the direct path of the new City Rail Link twin tunnels so need to be removed before underground works can begin.”

The benches and tree sculptures are being stored safely for reuse at a later date.

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