A big win for the pink Lightpath

Last Updated : 22 Nov 2016
Big win for lightpath

The World Architecture Festival has announced Te Ara I Whiti, Auckland’s pink Lightpath, as the winner of the transport category at its annual awards in Berlin.

The pink Lightpath, which was built by connecting a new bridge to the unused Nelson Street motorway off-ramp, beat projects in Sweden, Chicago, Denmark and Taiwan to take out the Transport – Completed Building category.

Two Auckland architects, Monk MacKenzie Architects and LandLAB worked with Auckland Council, NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport on the design.

The surface of the path has been coated with a bright pink resin, giving it a distinctive magenta hue. Three-hundred custom LED lights line the eastern side of the path. The lights have sensors so they can be programmed to change colour when someone passes, creating a ‘wave effect’.

Lightpath encourages cycling

Aucklanders are loving it, says Kathryn King, Auckland Transport's Cycling, Walking and Safety manager.

“A lot of people are using the Lightpath and then continuing on the protected cycleway on Nelson Street to get to work or study in the city centre. It’s also being used for recreation."

“We also know lots of people are coming into the city centre in the weekend to cycle or walk over it with their family friends."

"It’s a perfect example of what we know from overseas, that if you build go infrastructure like this, people will want to get out and give cycling a go.”

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