Budget locks savings in

Community concerns listened to

Publish Date : 03 Mar 2021
Budget locks savings in

Millions of dollars in savings have been locked into Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget.

Deputy Mayor and Auckland Council Franklin Ward representative Bill Cashmore says calls for council to live within its means have been listened to.

“The budget had a strong focus on savings and operating efficiently.

“People tell us we have to cut our cloth, but all budgets attempt to balance continued investment in critical areas, funding core services and developing infrastructure with keeping things as affordable as possible for ratepayers.”

Councillor Cashmore says the budget locks in savings already found in response to COVID-19 and sets a $120 million savings target. 

“Aucklanders should be confident we are doing our part to cut costs in a challenging time. We are becoming leaner and cutting staff numbers while continuing to balance providing value for money with maintaining services.

“This Budget isn’t about austerity or cutting back on services and investments our city depends on. It’s about keeping Auckland moving while maintaining a focus on savings and efficiency.”

With the budget open for consultation until 22 March, he wants as many people as possible to tell the council where their priorities lie.

A supporter of continued infrastructure investment because of the jobs and assets that creates, he says people should comment on any area that’s important to them.

Key topics for consultation include recovery from COVID-19, maintaining and renewing community assets and building infrastructure, and the environment.

“No one is unaware COVID-19 has hit council hard, and will continue to do so,” Councillor Cashmore says. “What we have tried to do is invest in infrastructure projects to create jobs and keep our recovery going.”

The budget proposes a one-off 5 per cent rate rise, returning to a 3.5 per cent each year beyond that, but Councillor Cashmore says it is about more than just rates.

“It talks about selling surplus property to reinvest in assets, new climate change actions, coastal protection, debt levels, increasing the Water Quality Targeted Rate to improve the Manukau Harbour and working with local boards and communities.”

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