Cat cafes come to Auckland

Last Updated : 27 Oct 2015
Cat cafe comes to Auckland

Auckland’s vibrant cafe scene is set for a quirky new addition.

Two separate cat-loving coffee enthusiasts have plans to open 'cat cafes' in Auckland – one on the North Shore and one on Queen Street in the CBD.

Auckland Council is working closely with both the owners of the proposed new cafes to ensure they are suitable places for cats to occupy the same space as people enjoying food and coffee.

As the cat cafe is an entirely new concept in New Zealand, the proposals were very carefully considered from a food-safety perspective. The Ministry for Primary Industries has also been consulted to make sure that all the risks are managed appropriately.

The businesses will be operating under a Food Control Plan and will be audited by council staff. The areas where the cats will be lounging will be kept separate from the areas where food is prepared and there are measures in place to ensure the cats will not enter the kitchen.

The business operators have also been in contact with SPCA to ensure they comply with any animal-welfare requirements, and the cats are kept happy and healthy.

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