Protecting kauri while dog walking

Last Updated : 17 Oct 2018
Protecting kauri while dog walking

We all love taking our dogs for a hike through the forest, but we also love taking care of those forests for future generations and their dogs.

Protecting New Zealand's majestic kauri trees is especially important because of the threats they face.

Dogs who go off-track risk spreading kauri dieback disease by accidentally carrying soil on their paws and fur. Kauri dieback disease – a fungus-like organism – can be spread by the smallest spatter of contaminated mud or soil, so it’s crucial your dog doesn’t go dashing off and spreading dirt everywhere.

Plus, dogs can damage kauri roots by stepping on them as the roots are delicate, grow close to the surface, and can grow huge distances away from the tree trunks.

So if you’re walking in kauri areas, remember to keep your dogs on a lead and on the track. Please also clean your dogs’ paws before and after your visit, using warm soapy water at home.

Find out more information about protecting kauri and kauri dieback locations here, including closed tracks.

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