How to become a hero at beating weeds

Last Updated : 07 Sep 2018
Become a pest weed hero

Here are three simple steps to keep pest weeds under control in your garden and help make Auckland pest free.

  1. Friend or foe? Identifying weeds

Before attacking – make sure that plant you’re suspicious about is actually a weed.

To identify weeds, check out Auckland Council's plant search. It has photos and descriptions of Auckland’s pest plants.

If you can’t find the plant you’re looking for, try the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network and Weedbusters.

  1. Whack em’! Removing weeds

Now you’re ready to do battle and start removing those weeds. You can control weeds with tools or herbicide.

Plant search gives advice on how to control different types of weeds and stop them coming back.

Target weeds with the worst impact on the environment first and work from areas of high to low weed density.

  1. Homebase is secure – Disposing of weeds

Weeds can spread through loose fragments, so compost them in a closed compost bin or in special weeds bags, or mulch the weeds and reuse them.

Refer to plant search, which will tell you which weeds are safe to compost.

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