Anzac Day Parades and Services 2024



See the event list on this page and contact the event organisers for more information.


Friday 25 April 2025



Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, who have displayed courage and self-sacrifice serving our country.

Join us for the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum in the Auckland Domain – further details below.

Check below for details of parades and services across the region:

Please note: This list only includes services of which the council has been notified. People are encouraged to also check with their local RSA or community Facebook pages.


Mt Albert Anzac Parade & Service

Parade assembly: 9.00am in carpark at the Councillors Drive Carpark.

Parade commences: 9.20am as the parade starts from the rear of the Memorial Hall on Councillors Drive. From there it moves down the footpath of Wairere Ave turning onto the footpath of New North Rd and then left into the Memorial Hall.

Service: 9.30am at Mt Albert War Memorial Cenotaph and Hall, 773 New North Rd, Mt Albert.

Other details: Light refreshments will be offered in the Memorial Hall from 10.30am at the conclusion of the service. For those people unable to attend in-person, the service will be live-streamed on

Contact: Mark Scherer 0274 577 577

Coyle Park Anzac Sunset Service 2024

Parade assembly: 5.20pm, please gather at the western end of the park under the pine trees as there will be a piper to call you over.

Parade commences: 5.30pm, from the carpark to the western point of Coyle Park.

Service: 5.30pm Coyle Park, 528 Pt Chevalier Rd, Pt Chevalier.

Further details: As the sun sets on Anzac Day, join the Albert Eden Local Board as a lone bugler plays The Last Post.

Contact: Mark Scherer 0274 577 577,

Mt Roskill Anzac Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9.30am at the Oakley Creek bridge by the baseball diamond. Easiest access/parking from the War Memorial grounds or May Rd end of Clifford Ave opposite 60 Gifford Ave.

Parade commences: 9.50am

Service: 10.00am Mt Roskill War Memorial, 15 May Road

Wet weather option: Inside Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall

Other details: Morning tea will be served in the Hall following the service

Contact: Mark Scherer 0274 577 577,

St Heliers Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9.30am at Vellenoweth Green

Parade commences: 9.50am at Vellenoweth Green to the Cenotaph at the bottom of St Heliers Bay Rd

Service: 10.00am St Heliers Village

Road closure details: Tamaki Dr closed from The Parade to Turua St

Other details: Parking will be restricted in some side streets.

Contact: Mark Scherer 0274 577 577,

Grey Lynn Returned Services Club ANZAC Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9.15am cnr of Richmond Rd and Castle St

Parade commences: 9.30am. March along Richmond Rd and turn left into Francis St to front of Clubrooms where Service will commence.

Service: 9.45am outside Clubrooms 1 Francis St Grey Lynn immediately after March.

Road closure details: half rolling closure of Richmond Rd for approx 5 minutes

Other details: Following the service all will be invited in for morning tea

Contact: Kris Hall, 027 481 7055,

College Rifles ANZAC Day Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 8.30am cnr of Minto Rd and Remuera Rd

Parade commences: 9am Start at the Cnr of Mito Rd & Remuera Rd. Walk along Remuera Road turning down Haast Street to College Rifles Rugby adjacent to War Memorial.

Service: 9.15am College Rifles Rugby Club - 33 Haast St Remuera

Road closure details: Remuera Rd between Minto Rd & Haast St and down Haast St while the travels to College Rifles Rugby Club

Other details: Outdoor Service. Complimentary morning tea held in the clubrooms after the Service.

Contact: Bevan Cadwallader, 027 201 0824,

Pt Chevalier Anzac Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 10am cnr Point Chevalier and Oliver Street

Parade commences: 10.30am Parade will march to the top of Dignan St and disperse

Service: 11am Point Chevalier Bowling Club. 25 Dignan St, Point Chevalier.

Road Closure: Belgium St, from the eastern end of Countdown temporarily closed from 10.30am-11.30am.

Other details: Lunch and refreshments available after the service from lunch time.

Contact: Dean E Napier, 027 2322 994,

Mt. Eden Anzac Day Service

Parade assembly: 10.45am cnr of Dexter Ave and Mt Eden Rds, Balmoral

Parade commences: 10.55am

Service: 11am Mt Eden Memorial Hall, Mt Eden Rd, (Opp Potters Park)

Road closure details: Close road between 10.55am and 11.05am

Other details: Refreshments in the Hall after the event - those wanting to lay a wreath or take part in the service should contact Viv Young before 15th April 2024.

Contact: Vivienne Young, 021 284 4647 or

Newmarket ANZAC Day Service

Parade assembly: 8.45am, Parade begins from Teed St, Newmarket.

Parade commences: 9am Parade goes up Teed St, along Broadway to Olympic Park for the Service

Service: 9.10am at Olympic Park, just north of the Olympic Pool building on Broadway

Road closure details: Rolling road closure between Teed St- along Broadway - to Olympic Park.

Other details: Rolling road closure supported by Police, with the support of Newmarket Security mobile patrol officers and CCTV surveillance operator. Attended by Ngati Whatua Orakei, local MP's, veterans and local scouts.

Contact: Francesca Ritchie, 021 285 2692,

Club Onehunga 2020 Anzac Day Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9am 57 Princes St, Onehunga up to St Peter's Church.

Parade commences: 9.30 am. Step off from 57 Princes St, outside Club Onehunga 2020 and proceed up Onehunga Mall Rd. Stop outside St Peter's Church at 184 Onehunga Mall Rd.

Service: 10am St Peters Church, 184 The Mall, Onehunga

Road closure details: Part of Princes St and part of Onehunga Mall Rd.

Other details: Complimentary finger foods and entertainment after the service at Club Onehunga 2020 for the day. All welcome.

Contact: Lisa Phillips, 021 172 4777,

Panmure Anzac Day Parade

Parade commences: 10.30am outside 163 Queens Rd, led by a local youth brass band, west down Queens Rd, right into Pilkington Rd, right into Community Hall carpark where the parade will fall out.

Service: 10.45am Panmure Community Hall, 7-13 Pilkington Rd

Road closure details: The LHS heading west of Queens Rd, will be closed for a maximum of 15 minutes from 10.30am.

Contact: Leon Matthews (Pres.) 02102262121,

Auckland Domain Anzac Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5am Assemble in the underground carpark at the Auckland Museum

Parade commences: 5.45am

Service: 6am at Court of Honour, Auckland Domain, Park Rd, Grafton

Road Closure:
• Museum Circuit Rd Closed 4am - 8am
• Cenotaph Rd Closed: 4am - 8am
• Maunsell Rd Closed: 4am – 8am (Restricted Parking Access until 5.30am) Timings: 5.30am - 8am
• Football Rd Closed: 5.30am - 8am (Public Access to field parking until 5.30am)
• Little George St Closed: 5.30am - 8am (Public Access to field parking until 5.30am)
• The Crescent Rd Closed: 5.30am - 8am (Mobility Parking access until 5.30am)
• Winter Garden Rd Closed: 5.30am - 8am (Mobility Parking access until 5.30am)
• Kiosk Rd Closed: 5.30am – 8am Mobility Parking access until 5.30am)

Other details: This year there are more big screens allowing greater viewing areas. Coffee vans will be there with Anzac biscuits offered for a gold coin donation to the RSA.

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Aotea/ Great Barrier Anzac Service

Service: 12pm, Tryphena Hall, Great Barrier Island

Other details: Following the service, refreshments will be provided at the Barrier Social Club

Contact: Kathy Cumming, 021409991,

Waiheke RSA Anzac Day Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5.45am at the Cenotaph outside the Waiheke RSA at 29 Belgium St.

Service: 6am, 29 Belgium St, Ostend

Further details: Coffee and tea will be provided in the clubrooms on completion of the Dawn Service.


Waiheke RSA Anzac Day Civic Service

Parade assembly:10.45am outside the Waiheke RSA building. Parade commences 11am along Belgium St into Ostend Rd.

Service: 11.10am, 29 Belgium Street, Ostend.

Road closure details: Belgium St, from the eastern end of Countdown, will be temporarily closed from 10.30am - 11.30am.


New Lynn RSA ANZAC Day Parade & Service

Parade: Assemble 8.45am Memorial Sq (behind McDonalds)

Parade commences: 9am down McRae Way, right onto Great North Rd, right onto Memorial Drive and left along Totara Ave back to RSA.

Service: 9.30am New Lynn RSA, 2 Veronica St

Road closures: Totara Ave, Memorial Drive, McRae Way and the portion of Great North Road between Memorial Drive and McRay Way will be closed

Other Details: A light morning tea will be provided for those attending the service. Our Restaurant will be open for lunch and dinner

Contact: Dale Mays, 09 827 3411,

Titirangi RSA Parade and Service

Parade: Assemble 10.10am in carpark adjacent to Hardware Café in Titirangi Village

Parade commences: 10.15am from Hardware Cafe to Titirangi War Memorial Hall Carpark

Service: 10.30am Titirangi War Memorial Hall Carpark, 500 South Titirangi Rd, Titirangi

Road closure details: 10am to 10.45am Rangiwai Rd to outside Deco.

Other Details: Lunch and refreshments will be available in the Titirangi RSA after the service as well as a sausage sizzle for the kids in the War Memorial Hall.

Contact: Laura, 021 022 17327

Henderson RSA Parade and Service

Parade: Assemble 11am Fire Station on Railside Ave

Parade commences: 11.15am down Railside Ave to outside Henderson RSA

Service: 11.30am outside Henderson RSA at 64-74 Railside Ave

Road closure details: Railside Avenue closed from 0.485 to 0.075km, Edsel Street closed from 0.320 to 0.55km, Catherine, Pioneer, Dora Streets the entire length closed, and Cranwell Street the entire length closed.

Other Details: From 12pm the Parade will fall out and move into the club, and lunch will be served from 1pm. We will have live entertainment from 2pm.

Contact: Tony Atkinson, 021 927 552,

Te Atatu Memorial R.S.A. ANZAC Service

Service: 10am Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre, 595 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula

Other details: Service to be held in the Community Centre and then food and refreshments will be supplied at the RSA.

Contact: Jenny Jones, 09 834 3698,

Laingholm Community Commemoration

Service: 10.30am Laingholm Community Flagpole, cnr Victory Rd and Laingholm Dr

Other details: Refreshments in the hall at the conclusion of the service

Contact: Graeme Booth, 021 764 741,

Avondale RSA Service

Parade assemble: 9.30am Avondale RSA, 48 Rosewbank Road, Avondale

Parade commences 9.40am, 48 Rosebank Rd, turn left to Great North Road, march towards Memorial Reserve.

Service: 10am 17 St. Geroges Road, Avondale (Memorial Reservice) next to round about (Avondale Shopping Centre).

Road closure details: 7am to 12 noon

Further details: Return to Club Rooms, Avondale RSA, 48 Rosebank Road for refreshments. St. Ninians is open as well for a cup a tea straight after the service.

Contact: Bernie Thomsen, 021 061 3080,

Waitākere Returned Services Association Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 11am 29 Township Rd, Waitākere

Parade commences: 11am Waitākere Fire Station to RSA, 39 Township Rd, Waitākere

Service: 11.10am RSA, 39 Township Rd

Road closure details: End of Township Rd, Waitākere 10am-11.30am

Contact: Jane Martens, Waitākere RSA, 09 810 9856

Swanson RSA ANZAC Day Parade & Service

Parade: Assemble 8.45am at Swanson School, 703 Swanson Rd

Parade commences 9am, marching from Swanson School to Swanson RSA, 663 Swanson Rd

Service at 9.15am Swanson RSA 663 Swanson Road, Swanson

Road closure: Swanson Road (between Swanson Road & O'Neills Road from 8.45am - 9.20am

Contact: Swanson RSA, 09 833 9013,

Waikūmete Cemetery Dawn Service

Parade commences: 5.45am opposite Sarona Ave.

Dawn service: 6am at Waikūmete Cemetery, 4128 Great North Rd

There will be a Haka as the parade arrives at the Cenotaph.

Other details: No dogs on site, any dogs spotted will be asked to return home. There is a by-law in place.

Contact: James Pattullo, 021 227 1023,

Waikūmete Cemetery Civic Parade and Service

Parade commences: 10.45am, opposite Sarona Ave

Civic service: 11am Auckland Provincial Memorial, Waikūmete Cemetery - 4128 Great North Rd, Glen Eden.

Other details: No dogs – Any dogs spotted will be asked to return home. There is a by-law in place.

Contact: Glen Eden RSA, 09 818 4219

Piha Anzac Day Commemorative Service

Parade: 1.45pm Piha RSA Club Rooms 3 Beach Valley Road Piha

Parade commences: 2pm Beach Valley Road to Piha War Memorial Reserve, Lion Rock

Service: 2pm Piha War Memorial Reserve, Lion Rock

Road closure details: One lane only closure from 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Other Details: Club Rooms will be open for refreshments and afternoon tea following the Service

Contact: Greg Lucal 027 957 8410,


Albany Community Anzac service

Service: 11am Main Hall, 21 Library Lane

Other details: Morning tea provided after service. Albany Memorial Library open for viewing

Contact: Allie Wakelin 021 802 074,

Birkenhead Civic Anzac Service

Parade assembly: 9.30am Mokoia Rd, between Huka Rd and Colonial Rd

Parade commences: 9.45am Mokoia Rd, Highbury bypass into Maraha Ave into the Birkenhead War Memorial Park

Service: 10am

Road closure: from 8am to 12pm Mokoia Rd from Huka Rd to Highbury Bypass, Highbury Bypass between Mokoia and Mahara Ave, and Mahara Ave.

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Service Centre, 09 301 0101

Glenfield Anzac Day Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 11.10am Ross Ave

Parade commences: 11:20am, Ross Ave to Glenfield War Memorial

Service: 11.30am at Glenfield War Memorial

Other details: Light refreshments served in Takapuna War Memorial Hall

Road closure: from 10am-1pm: Ross Ave and Hall Rd

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Service Centre, 09 301 0101


Parade assembly: from 8.30am Greenhithe Volunteer Fire Station

Parade commences: 8:50am.March to to Greenhithe War Memorial Park Gates, Greenhithe Rd, Roland Rd

Service: 9am Greenhithe War Memorial Park Gates. Held rain or shine.

During the ceremony, groups will be called out and members of the public can come and lay their individual wreath, poppy. Those representing a stakeholder (school, church, youth group etc.) who wish to be called to lay your wreath, please approach CFO (Chief Fire Officer) between 8.30am-9.50am at Greenhithe Fire Station.

Facebook: Greenhithe Volunteer Fire Brigade

Matakana War Memorial Anzac Day Service

Parade assembly: 9.45am Matakana roundabout
Parade commences: 9.55am Matakana Roundabout to the Matakana War Memorial

Service: 10am Matakana War Memorial

Other details: Parking - located at 964 Matakana Road, Matakana

Contact: Adrienne Miller, 0274 54 90 70

Northcote Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 10.15am Queen St near Bridgeway Threatre

Parade commences: 10.30am Queen St into Rodney Rd

Service: 10.45am at front of War Memorial Hall, Rodney Rd

Road closure: from 9.30am to 12.30pm: Bartley Street (from Queen Street to Richmond Avenue); Queen Street (from Bartley Street to Rodney Road); Rodney Road (from Queen Street to Church Street) (Between Fleet St and Queens Parade); Clarence St and Queen St Parade (between Victoria Rd and Wynyard Street).

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Hibiscus Coast Community Anzac Dawn Service

Assemble 5.45am at Hibiscus Coast Community RSA, 43A Vipond Rd.

Service: 6am

Service at Hibiscus Coast Community RSA, 43A Vipond Rd.

Contact: David Dryden, 021 0230 1350 or

Hibiscus Coast Community Anzac Civic Services

Service at 9am at Silverdale War Memorial Park, Hibiscus Coast Hwy

Service at 11am at Hibiscus Coast Community RSA, 43A Vipond Rd.

Riverhead Community Service

Service: 9am Riverhead War Memorial Park

Other details: Community morning tea at the Riverhead Bowling Club after service. Please bring a plate. All are welcome.

Contact: Heather Lundon,

Leigh Anzac Day Commemoration

Assemble 10.50am at Harbour View Rd.

Service at Leigh Cemetery, Harbour View Rd.

Parade: 10.50am

Service: 11am

Contact: Guy Parkes, 021 352 588

Takapuna Civic Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 8.30am Sanders Ave.

Parade commences: 8.45am on Lake Rd to the War Memorial on 1-7 The Strand.

Service: 9am at the War Memorial

Road closure: 8 am to 11 am: Lake Rd between Sanders Ave and The Strand, The Strand between Lake Rd, and Gibbons Rd.

Light refreshments are served in Takapuna War Memorial Hall.

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Warkworth and Districts RSA Dawn Parade

Parade assembly: 5.45am at Warkworth RSA, 28 Neville Street

Parade commences: 5.50am parade to War Memorial on Church Hill

Service: 6am War Memorial, Church Hill, Warkworth

Road closure details: Church Hill and part of Neville Street

Other details: Cooked breakfast available to purchase from Gunners Restaurant, Warkworth RSA

Contact: Chrissy Keith, 09 425 8568,

Warkworth and Districts RSA Service Civic Parade

Parade assembly: 10am Warkworth RSA, 28 Neville St

Parade commences: 10.10am to War Memorial on Church Hill

Service: 10.30am Church Hill

Road closure: Church Hill and Neville Street

Other details: After the Civic Service parade down to the Warkworth RSA with a morning tea available for a gold coin donation.

Contact: Chrissy Keith, 09 425 8568,

Wellsford Dawn Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 5.45am 13 Port Albert Rd

Parade commences: 5.50am to 13 Port Albert Road

Service: 6.00am Wellsford Memorial Library

Road closure details: Port Albert Road ( between Davies Rd and Rodney Street) and Memorial Lane ( between Worker Road and Port Albert Road) from 4.45am until 7.15 am

Other details: refreshments available after parade and service at Wellsford RSA 1 Olympus Rd

Contact: Paul Jones, 027 285 3682,

Combined North Shore RSA Dawn Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 5.30 am cnr Anzac Rd and Beachfront Lane. Parade marches on Beachfront Lane to War Memorial

Service: 5.45am War Memorial, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay

Road closure: 4.30am to 10.30am Beachfront Lane Road, Manly Esplanade, and Valley Rd next to Manly Esplanade

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Combined North Shore Memorial Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 8.15am cnr Anzac Rd and Beachfront Ln. Parade marches on Beachfront Ln to War Memorial.

Service: 8.45am War Memorial, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay

Road closure details: 4.30am to 10.30am: Beachfront Lane Road, Manly Esplanade, and Valley Rd next to Manly Esplanade.

Other details: Participants are welcomed to visit local cafes to support local businesses.

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Devonport Parade and Services

Parade assembly: 10.30am 1 Fleet St. Parade marches on Victoria St to the corner of Victoria St and King Edward Pde.

Service: 11am cnr of Victoria St and King Edward Pde, Devonport.

Road closure details: 10.30am to 12p: Victoria St from Fleet St to Queen Pde, Edward Pde from Victoria St to Buchanan St.

Other details: Participants are welcomed to visit local cafes and support local businesses

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

Coatsville Commemoration

Service: 6.45am for 7am start. Coatesville Settlers Hall, cnr Coatesville-Riverhead Hwy and Maheonui Rd

Other details: Morning tea provided afterwards in the hall. R.S.A. Poppies will be available. All welcome.

Contact: https: Facebook: Coatesville Residents Ratepayers.

Parakai Domain Dawn Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 5.50am, Kaipatiki Reserve, Parakai

Parade commences: 5.55am, Parakai Hot Pools carpark to Cenotaph

Service: 6am 150 Parkhurst Road, Parakai

Other details: Medals should be worn, if wearing your relatives' medals, wear them on your right side and wear them with pride.

Contact: Rex Keane 027 293 2768

Upper Waiwera Anzac Day Service

Service: 2.30pm Upper Waiwera Cenotaph, 711 Weranui Rd
Other details: Service will be followed by afternoon tea at Maureen Patterson's, 1 McCathie Rd. A plate would be welcome.
Contact: Grant Allen, 027 543 9888,


Service: 1pm with wreath laying at Remembrance Reserve, 365 Hibiscus Coast Hwy, Orewa.

Assemble 12.45pm

Service Commences: 1pm

Contact: Commander Frank Rands, 021 761 161,

Kaukapakapa Service

Parade assembly: 9.45am

Parade commences: 9.55am, Kaukapakapa Memorial Hall carpark to Cenotaph

Service: 10am 947 Kaipara Coast Highway, Kaukapakapa

Other details: Medals should be worn, if wearing relatives Medals, wear them on your right side and wear them with pride.

Contact: Rex Keane 027 293 2768

Sanders Reserve Anzac Service

Service: 6.30am, 180-186 Sanders Road, Paremoremo, Auckland 0793

Other details: Patrons encouraged to bring a plate

Contact: Russell Hughes, 021759449,

Helensville Service

Parade assembly: 6.45am

Parade commences: 6.50am Soldiers Cemetery Flagpole to Cenotaph

Service: 6.55am 130 Garfield Road, Helensville.

Other details: Medals should be worn, if wearing relatives Medals, wear them on your right side and wear them with pride.

Contact: Rex Keane 027 293 2768

Waimauku RSA

Parade assembly: 11.40am

Parade commences: 11.45am from Waimauku Memorial Hall, Waimauku

Road closures: State Highway 16 (roundabout to Muriwai)

Service: 11am Waimauku War Memorial Hall

Other details: Service begins with guest speakers and the inclusion of the Waimauku Primary School. Parade forms and marches to the RSA for flag raising ceremony, followed by refreshments. All welcome.

Contact: Mike Toopi, 09 411 7532, 022 677 1822,


Āwhitu Anzac Commemoration

Service: 8.30am Āwhitu Cenotaph at Āwhitu Central Church, 16 Hamilton Rd, Manukau Heads, Āwhitu 2684

Other details: Community Morning tea and cuppa to follow Service. Bring a plate to share would be appreciated.

Contact: David, 021 220 5854,

Pukekohe Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5.40am outside Lone Star Café & Bar, corner Roulston Ave and Massey Ave

Parade commences: 5.55am

Service: 6am Pukekohe War Memorial Hall, Pukekohe

Road closure details: Massey Ave between Graham St and Edinburgh St, Roulston St between Harris Rd to Roulston Ln closed 5.30am-12.30pm. The section of Massey Ave between Graham St and Roulston St reopens 6.30am. 

Wet weather option: Pukekohe War Memorial Hall

Contact: Doug McNally 027 244 4034

Pukekohe Civic Service

Assemble: 10.45am outside Pukekohe Intermediate, Queen St

Parade commences: 10.55am

Service: 11am St Andrews Anglican Church, Queen St.

Road closure details: Massey Ave between Graham St and Edinburgh St, Roulston St between Harris Rd to Roulston Ln closed 5.30am-12.30pm. The section of Massey Ave between Graham St and Roulston St reopens 6.30am. 

Contact: Doug McNally 027 244 4034

Cook Islands Anzac Day Commemoration

Service: 2pm, 285-289 Kirkbride Rd, Mangere, Auckland

Other Details: Light Refreshments provided at venue

Contact: Frances Topa-Fariu, 022 1587 429

Howick Dawn Parade and Service

Parade Assembly: 5.45am on Mellons Bay Rd, Howick (by the big pine tree)

Parade commences: 5.55am from Mellons Bay Rd, left into Ridge Rd then up through the main entrance to Stockade Hill

Service: Service will commence at 6am on Stockade Hill, Howick

Road closure details: Ridge Rd from Bleakhouse Rd to Picton St; Picton St between Ridge Rd and Mellons Bay Rd; Mellons Bay Rd from Ridge Rd to Cheriton Rd from 5am to 7am

Contact: Michael Cole, 0212388464,


Howick Civic Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 10.30am on Mellons Bay Rd

Parade commences: 10.45am. Depart Mellons Bay Rd, around the back of Stockade Hill, along Ridge Rd, up through main entrance to Stockade Hill.

After the service the parade reforms on Ridge Rd and marches through Howick Village via Ridge Rd then to Picton St to Moore St and into the civic carpark behind Hancock’s Cafe.

Service: 11am on Stockade Hill, Howick.

Road closure details: Ridge Rd from Bleakhouse Rd to Picton St; Picton St between Ridge Rd and Mellons Bay Rd; Mellons Bay Rd from Ridge Rd to Paisley St;  Picton Street to Moore St; Moore St between Picton St and Fencible Dr 9.30am-1pm.

Contact: Michael Cole, 021 238 8464,

The agenda can be found here

Whitford Anzac Breakfast

Service: 9.30am at Monument and 10.15am at Clevedon Hall, Clevedon Monument, cnr of Monument and Papakura-Clevedon Rds, Clevedon; Clevedon Hall, 1 Papakura-Clevedon Rd, Clevedon

Other details: Commences with a short flag-raising and wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument, followed by an official parade to the Hall for commemorations and reflections.

Light refreshments served afterwards. Guest speaker, local resident Jamie Pennell, ex-New Zealand Special Forces.

Contact: Gina Sanders, 021 0508077 09 2928047,

Ōrere and Kawakawa Bay Anzac Service

Parade assembly: 9.45am Ōrere Primary School, 275 Ōrere Point Rd, Ōrere.

Parade commences: 9.50am

Service:10am, Ōrere War Memorial Hall, 289 Ōrere Point Rd, Ōrere Point

Other details: Please bring a small plate to contribute to morning tea

Contact: Tay-Marie, 021 045 0307,

Clevedon Anzac Commemorative Services

Service: 9.30am at Monument and 10.15am at Clevedon Hall, Clevedon Monument, cnr of Monument and Papakura-Clevedon Rds; Clevedon Hall, 1 Papakura-Clevedon Rd

Other details: Commences with short flag-raising and wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument, followed by an official parade to the Hall for commemorations and reflections. Light refreshments served afterwards. Guest speaker, local resident Jamie Pennell, ex-New Zealand Special Forces.

Contact:  Gina Sanders, 021 058077 09 298047,

Drury Community Anzac Service

Service: 11am Drury Cenotaph, Tui street

Other details: We have chairs but if you want to be sure bring your own chair along. Sausages on the BBQ with drinks and ice creams after the service at the community Library.

Contact: Riet van der Gulik, 021-0639060,

Pukekohe Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5.40am outside Lone Star Café & Bar, corner Roulston Ave and Massey Ave

Parade commences: 5.55am

Service: 6am Pukekohe War Memorial Hall, Pukekohe

Road closure details: Massey Ave between Graham St and Edinburgh St, Roulston St between Harris Rd to Roulston Ln closed 5.30am-12.30pm. The section of Massey Ave between Graham St and Roulston St reopens 6.30am.

Wet weather option: Pukekohe War Memorial Hall

Contact: Doug McNally 027 244 4034

Pukekohe Civic Service

Assemble: 10.45am outside Pukekohe Intermediate, Queen St

Parade commences: 10.55am

Service: 11am St Andrews Anglican Church, Queen St.

Road closure details: Massey Ave between Graham St and Edinburgh St, Roulston St between Harris Rd to Roulston Ln closed 5.30am-12.30pm. The section of Massey Ave between Graham St and Roulston St reopens 6.30am.

Contact: Doug McNally 027 244 4034

Papakura Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5.40am at Papakura Police Station, 64 Wood St

Parade commences: 5.45am. Parade along Wood St, left onto Great South Rd towards Opaheke Rd, left from Great South Rd into Opaheke Rd ending at the war memorial.

Service: 6am at Cenotaph, cnr Great South Rd and Opaheke Rd

Road closure details: Yard start: 3am road Closure by: 5:30 am Assembly by: 9.30 am Event finish: 12 pm Yard finish: 3pm

Contact: Warrick Power, 021 108 5433

Papakura Civic Service

Parade assembly: Assemble 8.15am at Papakura Police Station, 64 Wood St

Parade commences: 8.30am Parade along Wood St, left onto Great South Rd towards Opaheke Rd, left from Great South Rd into Opaheke Rd to the war memorial

Service: 9am at Cenotaph, cnr Great South and Opaheke Rds

Road closure details: Yard start: 3am Road Closure by: 5:30am Assembly by: 9.30am Event finish: 12pm Yard finish: 3pm

Contact: Warrick Power, 021 108 5433

Papatoetoe Civic Service

Parade assembly: 10am at Papatoetoe Central. The corner of Great South Rd and St George St.

Parade commences: 10.10am/10.15am will march down to the Papatoetoe RSA

Service: 10.30am at the Papatoetoe RSA, 22 Wallace Road

Road closure details: Road Closure by: 7am Assembly by: 9.30am Event finish: 12pm Yard finish: 2pm.

Contact: Papatoetoe RSA, (09) 278 6372,

Manukau Memorial Gardens

Parade assembly: 5.45am at Manukau Memorial Gardens, 361 Puhinui Rd, Wiri

Parade commences: 5.50am with short march to the service location.

Service: 6am in Manukau Memorial Gardens.

Contact: Papatoetoe RSA, (09) 278 6372,

Ōtara/East Tāmaki Civic Service

Parade assembly: 7am at Church of the Nazarene, East Tāmaki Rd

Parade commences: 7:30am Church of the Nazarene, East Tamaki Road

Service: 7.45am at the Cenotaph, East Tāmaki Rd

Road closure details: Closure by: 6am Assembly by: 7am Event finish: 11.00 pm Yard finish: 12pm.

Contact: Sipa Niutama, 021 0834 5257,

Buckland War Memorial Service

Service: 9.45 am at the Cenotaph Buckland Rd.

Road closure details: Traffic off Buckland Road will be detoured via George Cresent.

Other details: Tea, coffee and light refreshments at the Buckland Community Hall after the service.

Contact: Neville Jamieson 0274815859,

Bombay Community Anzac Parade

Parade assembly: 8.35am

Parade commences: 8.45am Paparata Rd

Service: 8.45am Bombay Memorial Arch

Other details: Service will be formally lead by and MC with Pipe Band and singers in attendance.

Morning Tea will be provided after service in the Bombay War Memorial hall.

Intersections of Bombay Road and Paparata Road and Paparata and Barber road - police redirection away from Parade route.

Contact: Ian Grayson 021 02484668,

Beachlands Anzac Day Dawn Service

Parade assembly: 5.45am beach end of Wakelin Rd

Parade commences: 5.55am to the Memorial site

Service commences: 6am end of Wakelin Rd, near memorial and flags

Road closures: Beach end of Wakelin Rd and adjacent street from 5.45am until 7.15am

Other details: Seating will be available for veterans and those people who have standing difficulties. Breakfast is available from 7.15am at Ambrosia Restaurant, Wakelin Rd. Please book in advance for a reservation.

Contact: Fred Wilkings 021442430,

Beachlands-Maraetai Civic Anzac Day Service

Parade assembly: 8.30am Parade assembles in the carpark of the Chartered Club, Wakelin Rd, Beachlands

Parade commences: 8.50am Parade marches up Wakelin Rd to Beachlands School Hall

Service: 9am Beachlands School Hall via Wakelin Road gate

Road closure: Wakelin Road closed from Third View Ave to Beachlands Rd 8.40am to 9am.

Other details: Morning Tea in the Hall after the Service

Contact: Stuart Rowe, 021 926 921,

Māngere Bridge

Service commences: 10am, 23 Domain Road, Mangere Bridge

Other details: Gather from 9.30am

Contact: Mark Barnard, 027 251 1742,

Waiuku Anzac Parade & Commemoration

Parade assembly: 10.30am outside St Andrews Church, 85 Queen St

Parade commences: 10.45am

Road closure: Queen St from Town Hall to Belgium St, plus Kirk St, Kent St, Mellsop Ave & George St junctions

Service: 11am Waiuku Cenotaph, cnr Queen St & George St

Contact: Barry Gibbon, 021 627 149,

Ōtāhuhu Anzac Day Dawn Service 

Service: 6.30am at Otāhuhu Cemetery

Road closure details: 6am-9am.

Contact: Lesley Guptill 027 458 1471

Ōtāhuhu Anzac Day Civic Service 

Parade assembly: 9.15am at 2a Piki Thompson Wy, Ōtahuhu War Memorial

Service: 9.25am, Ōtāhuhu War Memorial, 2a Piki Thompson Wy

Road closure details: 6am-12pm

Contact: Lesley Guptill 0274581471

Manurewa Anzac Day Dawn Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 5.40am Hill Rd, Manurewa

Parade commences: 5.45am down Hill Rd to the Cenotaph on the corner of Hill Rd and Great South Rd

Service: 6am, Cenotaph Corner, Great South Rd and Hill Rd

Road closure details: Great South Rd from Northcrest Way to Halver Rd; Hill Rd from Scenic Dr roundabout to Great South Rd; Station Rd from Great South Rd to Maich Rd roundabout from 5am-1pm

Further details: Parade Order of March: 1. Police Car 2. RSA Flag Bearers 3. RSA President 4. Parade Comander 5. Returned and Service Men and Women 6. No 4 Squadron A.T.C. 7. James Cook High School Military Academy

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

The agenda for this event is available here

Manurewa Anzac Day Memorial Parade and Service

Parade assembly: 9am Hill Rd, Manurewa

Parade commences: 9.15am down Hill Rd to the Cenotaph on the corner of Hill Rd and Great South Rd

Service: 9.30am, Cenotaph Corner, Great South Rd and Hill Rd

Road Closure details: Great South Rd from Northcrest Way to Halver Rd; Hill Rd from Scenic Dr roundabout to Great South Rd; Station Rd from Great South Rd to Maich Rd roundabout 5am-1pm

Other details: Parade Order of March: 1. Police Car 2. RSA Flag Bearers 3. RSA President 4. Parade Commander 5. Returned and Service Men and Women 6. RSA Members 7. New Zealand Police 8. No 4 Squadron A.T.C 9. Current Serving Navy, Army, and Airforce 10. Collage Students 11. James Cook Highschool Military Academy 12. Scouts, Guides, Clubs, Brownies, ect 13. All other organisations.

Contact: Auckland Council Customer Services Centre, 09 301 0101

The agenda for this event is available here

Waiau Pā, Clarks Beach, Patumāhoe RSA Anzac Service:

Parade assembles from 10.30am at Waiau Pā Hall, cnr Waiau Pā and McKenzie Rds

Parade commences: 10.30am into Waiau Pā school grounds

Service: 10.30am, Waiau Pā School, Waiau Pā Rd

Other details: Morning Tea at Waiau Pā Hall following service with a photographic display of the battlefields and memorials of the Somme and Flanders

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