Time Warp! School Holidays @ Pakuranga Library

2024 Time warp school holiday OurAuckland JPG_pkynz0pv.jpg

Join us at Pakuranga for an awesome line up of fun and exciting workshops, crafts, activities, movies and more!

Week 1

  1. Monday 30 September

Old School Technology – Papakura Museum

See a range of different technology and communication devices from the 20th century and learn how technology has developed and changed overtime with the curator from Papakura Museum.

Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.


  1. Tuesday 1 October 

GKR Karate

Try out some good old-fashioned self-defense techniques with GKR Karate.
Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision recommended. 


  1. Wednesday 2 October

Harry Potter’s World

Travel through the time warp portals and immerse yourself in the world of Harry Potter.

Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision and assistance recommended for younger tamariki. 


  1. Thursday 3 October

Ojo de Dios (the eye of the God)

Get crafty and make yourself a colourful Ojo de Dios, God’s eye, (traced back to the 1500s) to protect yourself against future uncertainties.

Suitable for ages 5+. Parental assistance recommended for younger tamariki. 


  1. Friday 4 October

Movie Time!

Bring a friend, family, or just yourself, and join us at the library for a fun afternoon movie. Popcorn provided. Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.


  1. Saturday 5 October


Make a zoetrope and see how it produces the illusion of motion and forms the basis of

early animation technology.

Suitable for ages 5+. Parental assistance recommended for younger tamariki. 


Week 2

  1. Monday 7 October

Old Days, Old Ways - Howick Historic Village

Join Heritage Advisor from the Historic Village and see and learn about how people lived back in the days.

Suitable for all ages. Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.


  1. Tuesday 8 October 

Time Capsule

Design and create your very own time capsule to capture the year of 2024.

 Suitable for all ages. Parental assistance recommended for younger tamariki. 


  1. Wednesday 9 October

Stu Duval Cartoon Drawing Workshop

Learn how to draw Time Warp inspired cartoons with master cartoonist Stu Duval.

Suitable for ages 5+. Parental assistance recommended for younger tamariki.  


  1. Thursday 10 October

Diwali Arts & Crafts

Get creative and make an art piece inspired by the colours and festivity of Diwali. Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.  


  1. Friday 11 October

Movie Time!

Bring a friend, family, or just yourself, and join us at the library for a fun afternoon movie. Popcorn provided. Suitable for ages 5+. Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.


  1. Saturday 12 October

LEGO Challenge

Let your imagination go wild and have a blast creating with LEGO in the library. What will you create this time?

Suitable for all ages.  Parental supervision recommended for younger tamariki.


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