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Harakeke Tikanga and Techniques with Nat Rose Te Hei


Join Nat Rose Te Hei in this fun weaving workshop on the last day of the school holidays.

Participants will learn to weave a natural harakeke bracelet, tīpare (headband) and putiputi (flower). These make special gifts for friends or whanāu.

Learn appropriate tikanga when harvesting and weaving harakeke.

This weaving workshop brings together two worlds, blending the traditional with the contemporary, while acknowledging the past and present; ngā tāonga tuku iho (gifts and knowledge passed down).

On the day we’ll be doing:

  • Karakia timatanga (Opening prayer)
  • Mihimihi (Welcoming and acknowledgements)
  • Whakawhanaungatanga (Introductions)
  • Kaupapa ō te rā (Weaving a bracelet, tīpare, putiputi)
  • Ngā tikanga/ Ūara (Harvesting flax)
  • Mahi rāranga (Lets get weaving)
  • Whakaaro (Reflections, learnings)
  • Karakia Whakamutunga (Closing karakia)
  • Finish with a hot drink and cake


The items made in this workshop will be using naturally found tones/colours of harakeke (not dyed). 
Please bring scissors.

For ages 9+ to adult.

(NB. Ages 7 – 8 can attend, but should be accompanied by a caregiver to help).

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