Did you ever want to volunteer with an environmental non-profit?
Join us to help protect our unique native ecosystems and build local climate resilience!
As regular volunteers led by expert ecologists, we're dedicated to preserving the uniquely special Eskdale Reserve, making a positive impact on the environment.
This is a great opportunity to connect with the community and nature and become a highly knowledgeable, seasoned hand at bush restoration.
Hosted by Kaipātiki Project at Eskdale Reserve, one of Auckland's largest Significant Ecological Areas:
Since 1998, Kaipātiki Project has been working hard to restore and protect Eskdale Reserve. Our activities include restoration planting, pest control, water quality monitoring and weed removal, as well as further conservation efforts for kākahi/freshwater mussels, titiwai/glowworms, and pekapeka/bats. We are currently finalising our ten-year restoration plan for the reserve to ensure that every hour put in by our volunteers and team is impactful, efficient, and long-lasting.
With plenty of opportunities to learn and explore, you'll discover the wonders of our native ngahere and actively preserve and protect the ecosystem.