The Ngaio Marsh Awards, in association with Warkworth Library and Auckland Libraries, invites booklovers to a criminally good evening in 'Brokenwood', featuring five talented Kiwi storytellers.
As crime and thriller writing - whether crime fiction or true crime
- has evolved from puzzle-like mysteries to modern novels delving deeply into people and place; it has continued to intrigue readers around the world. What makes it so captivating?
Swedish-born bestselling author Madeleine Eskedahl sets her popular mysteries in the Matakana wine region. She will be joined in conversation by past Ngaio Marsh Awards winner Fiona Sussman, TV producer and true crime writer Angus Gillies, and Hibiscus Coast author and first-time crime writer Robyn Cotton. Award-winning Gulf Harbour short story writer Stephen Ross will keep the peace and cross-examine the offenders.
Our panel will discuss what draws them to tales of intrigue and thrills, how they craft and convey memorable characters - whether fictional or real, and the impact of our local settings, real-life issues, and universal themes on their writing.
Free entry, but please RSVP for catering purposes to: or (09) 427 3920