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Minecraft club at Whangaparāoa Library
Bring your Minecraft loaded device and have fun making friends, sharing tips and tricks, and shar...

Waiheke Local Board Community Forum
Community Forum is an open meeting which provides an opportunity for individuals and community or...

Wriggle & Rhyme at Epsom Community Library
Come join us every Wednesday at 10am (during school term only) for a fun and interactive for you...

Vector Lights for BNZ Auckland Lantern Festival 2025
Watch as the bridge lights up with lanterns floating into the night sky.

Throw it down
You'll practice creating various domestic shapes, including plates, bowls, and cylinders.

Watercolour Wednesday
Kids will explore the wonderful world of watercolours through exciting and creative projects.

Acoustic guitar for adults
This process includes chords, scales, soloing, strumming, fingerpicking, composition, learning ne...

Ceramics for all levels
Create a slab vase, a coiled bowl, a pressed mould piece and a pinch pot sculpture.