
Weed-killing beetles on a mission
Nearly 400 beetles were released into a Birkenhead reserve this week with one mission.

Manukau and Onehunga set for long-term development
Manukau and Onehunga are set for significant long-term improvements as the first of 19 locations identified by Auckland’s new urban regeneration agency.

Bridge draws mariners' approval
A state-of-the-art drawbridge next to the Milford Marina is nearing completion and is expected to be open for use by Christmas.

Kaipātiki Local Board celebrates five years
Auckland Council’s five-year milestone is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the Kaipātiki Local Board over this time.

Running for Auckland Council?
Want to be more directly involved in decisions that will help make Auckland a great place to live? Consider running as a candidate in the next council elections.

Cat cafes come to Auckland
Auckland’s vibrant cafe scene is set for a quirky new addition.

Makeover for Marlborough Park Hall
Kaipātiki youth will soon have a new place to meet, network and socialise thanks to Kaipātiki Local Board.

Devonport Library up for award
Devonport Library is of only five public libraries worldwide to be nominated for the Public Library of the Year award.

Korean Bookchat
Come share your thoughts on books and life over a warm cup of tea.

Watercolour Wednesday
Kids will explore the wonderful world of watercolours through exciting and creative projects.

Acoustic guitar for adults
This process includes chords, scales, soloing, strumming, fingerpicking, composition, learning ne...

Ceramics for all levels
Create a slab vase, a coiled bowl, a pressed mould piece and a pinch pot sculpture.

Mandarin Rhymetime
Enjoy Chinese language and culture through music, stories, and activities!

Wednesday acrylics
Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of acrylics!

Digital Seniors free tech help for older people at Glenfield Library
Are you a senior who would like some help with your digital device?