
Get sorted - new recycling and e-waste service in Henderson-Massey
The EcoMatters Environment Trust’s Resource Recovery Depot has opened its doors to the public.

West boards unite in opposition to speed limit changes
Proposed changes to speed limit rules should consider the impacts to all road users, including social and environmental impacts.

Northwest pool moves forward
News that plans for a new pool in the Northwest of Auckland is one step closer has delighted community advocates.

Henderson-Massey opposes speed limit changes
Changes to speed limit rules should prioritise the safety of vulnerable road users, especially around schools, Henderson-Massey Local Board says.

Eight priority projects leading Waitākere Ranges’ environment work
Eight environmental projects make up the $380,500 of funding allocated under the Waitākere Ranges Local Board’s Environmental work.

$6.5 million Te Pae o Kura upgrade complete
The much-anticipated $6.5 million refurbishment of Te Pae o Kura – Kelston Community Centre is complete and has been opened with a blessing.

Funding celebrates diversity in Henderson-Massey
Projects and initiatives celebrating diversity and inclusion in the community have received funding in the work programme for the next year recently approved by Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Forum welcomes Manukau Harbour stand
Auckland Council's move to put in place a strategy for improving outcomes for the Manukau Harbour have been welcomed by the Manukau Harbour Forum.

Lego Club
Calling all brick builders! Bring your construction skills and join in the LEGO building fun.

Good Friends Group
Looking to meet some like-minded people? Join us over a cuppa every Tuesday. Meet new friends in...

Whānau Friendly Exercise Classes
Join Tu Ranga Ora in this exercise programme.

Painting and sketching in nature
Join us as we explore the essentials of painting and sketching from nature and the garden.

Kākahu Raranga
This free drop in workshop is the start to your weaving journey where you will learn to weave you...

Painted Thursdays
For the novice through to the advanced practitioner, this open, supported studio is an ideal foun...

Abstract adventures
Enjoy a weekly morning of painting and self-expression in the comfort of James’ fun, engaging tea...

Movies in Parks: The Mountain
Sam, a fearless young girl raised outside of her Māori culture, is determined to fulfil her missi...