Matariki Celebration in Pukekohe

Pukekohekohe Kotahi Banner 1

In the spirit of Kotahitanga, Ngāti Tamaoho Trust, Te Ākitai Waiohua, and Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua are working together in partnership with Eke Panuku Development Auckland, with the support of Pukekohe Business Association, to pilot a special initiative: MĀANAWATIA A MATARIKI KI PUKEKOHEKOHE.

Celebrating Matariki in the heart of Pukekohe with two magical nights of live performances by local talent, Toi Māori, Taonga Māori, Pakihi Māori, and kai prepared by the hands of our local people. Enjoy free whānau-friendly activities available for everyone.

Bring the whānau! There is something here for everyone!

This is a friendly, alcohol-free, smoke-free, and zero-waste initiative.

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