Governing Body passes mayoral proposal

Publish Date : 16 May 2024

The mayoral proposal has passed 20:1 by the Governing Body setting the Long-term Plan, council's ten-year vision for Auckland.

It follows the recommendations of the Budget Committee, which has done most of the heavy lifting involved in developing Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan (10-year budget) for 2024–34. This includes at least 120 hours of discussion and debate, with the advice and support of council staff, as well as feedback from local boards and Aucklanders. 

“I think this vote shows logic has won today. This LTP has been based on identifying the problems and looking at the solutions to fix Auckland. The biggest of which has been getting our books in order and stopping the overspend, making the most of what we have, and strengthening the physical and financial resilience of our future Auckland.” 

“We set out to do things differently this time by getting councillors to set the direction over the past ten months through working groups on topics such as investments, revenue, and Māori outcomes. My proposal has evolved since the first draft was tabled in December, and that’s not a bad thing. It's got better. We’re still heading in the right direction." 

“My priority is, and always has been, to get better value and returns from our strategic assets and to strengthen the council’s long-term financial position so we can continue to provide services without burdening ratepayers. It’s critical that we arrive at the destination, but how we get there is up for debate. I’d like to thank councillors, local boards, and Houkura for their contributions.” 

Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan (10-year budget) 2024–34 will be finalised and adopted by the end of June 2024. 

This will include key features of today’s mayoral proposal: 

The lowest rates possible 

·      The lowest rates increase of any metropolitan council in New Zealand, half the national average and lower than what was consulted on. 6.8% in FY25, 5.8% in FY26, and 7.9% in FY27. And, beyond that, an average rates increase of no more than 3.5% for the rest of the Long-term Plan (2024–34).

·       A more efficient council focused on value for money, with $142 million in savings to be found over three years. 

Auckland Future Fund 

·       A $1.3 billion regional wealth fund for future generations. 

·       Ratepayers are $40 million better off each year and less exposed to the risks of one-off events. 

·       Strict protections against raids. 

Boosted public transport package 

·       $50 weekly cap on public transport fares for buses, trains, and inner harbour ferries. 

·       $14 billion to fix roads and make public transport better, faster, and cheaper. 

·       $70 million to maintain bus services and rail track maintenance. 

·       Installation of safety screens to protect bus drivers. 

The Budget Committee was set up in part to facilitate the participation of Houkura, the Independent Māori Statutory Board, in the extensive development of the Long-term Plan 2024–34. 

During today’s meeting, some councillors exercised their prerogative to table their amendments at the Governing Body, rather than the Budget committee. 

“It’s been a year of fixing, and we’re not even halfway through.” 

In early May, the Mayor and central government delivered a Local Water Done Well plan that avoided the 25.8% water rates hike proposed by Watercare while enabling Watercare to invest in needed water infrastructure. 

Then, the Mayor brokered a plan to make the most of Tāmaki Makaurau’s port and prime waterfront, backed by Auckland Council, Port of Auckland, and the Maritime Union of New Zealand. 

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