Auckland Council started the 2019/2020 year at full steam, as demonstrated in the recent quarterly performance reports presented to the Finance and Performance Committee and the Council Controlled Organisation Monitoring Committee.
$500 million of capital investment was made over the quarter, a 35% lift compared to the same period last year. Good progress was made on projects linked to preparations for the Americas Cup, including stormwater network extensions to improve water quality on the waterfront, work to strengthen Quay Street and the Ferry Basin redevelopment.
Finance and Performance Committee Chair, Councillor Desley Simpson comments:
“The first quarter of our financial year was a busy one. Not only is our city centre a hive of development activity, work is happening across the region to clean up our waterways, improve public transport options and redevelop our local centres.”
“But we also manage the here and now, running, improving and updating the council services that keep our region going. We’ve increased staff in front line areas where they will make the biggest difference to our customers and we will continue to look at how we improve our service and our value.”
$3.4 million was invested as part of the natural environment programme, resulting in progress in upgrading the track network to meet Kauri dieback national standards and enforcement operations to improve compliance of track users. In addition, pest control on the mainland and on the islands has increased to reduce and eradicate both land and marine pests in the region.
The Green Bond issue in July raised $150 million. This is the second successful Green Bond issue by the council in little over 12 months. This contributed towards a temporary elevation in debt levels but this is expected to dissipate throughout the year as some existing debt matures and is repaid.”
A significant proportion of our debt, $350 million, is now Green Bonds, recognising the commitment council has made to improving cycle ways and increasing provision of electric trains.
A financial snapshot:

Following on from strong operational results last year, the first quarter also saw continued performance on and in places, under, budget.
- Direct revenue and expenditure $36 million favourable to budget
- Building consent volumes continued to increase over the quarter and an additional 38 front-line staff were recruited to Regulatory Services to cope with demand. This has contributed to improvements in consent times and customer satisfaction
- Over 102 million passenger journeys were recorded on public transport for the 12 months to 30 September 2019, an increase of 8.9% on the previous year
- Work to realise potential in Takapuna, Avondale, Henderson, Ormison and Panmure town centres continues
- Largest renewals project in Auckland Zoo’s history is tracking well and expected to be completed in this financial year.