Report highlights community support

Last Updated : 15 Jan 2025

Using a local crime prevention fund to support Patumahoe Community Trust’s safety project has been identified as a highlight in Franklin Local Board’s quarterly performance report, the last for the 2024 financial year. 

Board deputy chair Alan Cole says the board’s grant and the trust’s fundraising secured cameras that will be used around the town centre. 

“It’s a good example of what communities can achieve working with the board. It’s not some sparkling new development, but it does keep residents safer.”  

Almost all the board’s work programme was completed or remains on schedule, with the report measuring performance against the programme, finding 134 projects had been done or were on schedule. 

Board chair Angela Fulljames says another eight are expected to be completed in the first quarter of the 2024/25 year. 

“That left just 15 undelivered or expected to be completed later this year, and two that were cancelled or deferred. 

“Some projects can be minor, but others were significant pieces of work that our community expects us to deliver in the way we planned. 

“We don’t want to fail to deliver anything, and our overall rate has been good, especially when delays and hold-ups are inevitable in any business.” 

The report also highlighted community grants made after the board updated its priority projects list that saw funding awarded to the Maraetai Bowling Club, Maraetai Tennis Club and Counties Manukau Rugby.  

Fulljames says funding was made across Franklin. “We provided $50,000 to Pohutukawa Coast Bike Club to support track development, winterproofing tracks, a skills park and an eco-toilet.  

“We also put $100,000 into the Patumahoe Tennis Club to support the renewal of courts and floodlights. Sports and leisure remain important to us, so we also did things such as renewing the sports field irrigation and lighting at Colin Lawrie Reserve.” 

She says because the quarterly report was the last on the delivery of the 2020 Franklin Local Board Plan, it was timely to thank staff who had delivered local projects during a challenging time associated with COVID-19 and its social and economic consequences. 

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