'Solid' report for Papakura

Last Updated : 15 Jan 2025
PLB report
A renewals project was completed at the Massey Park Aquatic Centre.

Getting a good report isn’t just important at school. 

Papakura Local Board has received its final quarterly report for the 2023/2024 financial year, measuring performance against its work programme, with chair Brent Catchpole calling it a ‘solid’ report’. 

“There were 80 activities within the work programme completed, and that’s a solid effort. Another eight that were expected to be completed, will now be done in the first 2024/2025 quarter,” he says. 

“We are like any business. There is always a little bit of slippage with various unforeseen delays, but only six activities were not delivered and aren’t expected to be done in that first quarter.” 

The report identified several key activity achievements, particularly around the strong performances of community facilities such as Hawkins Theatre, Papakura Museum, Papakura Library and Te Pataaka Koorero o Takaanini programmes. 

“We were pleased to see the basketball courts at Kaakaho / Milano Reserve and McLennan Park recognised too, because basketball facilities are one the most requested things when we consult with our young people around playgrounds,” Catchpole says. 

Other completed work included: 

  • Massey Park sports field lights 
  • Drury cricket pitches 
  • Massey Park Aquatic Centre renewals 
  • Pahurehure Esplanade (Young’s Beach Reserve) carpark 
  • Elsie Morton Reserve playground upgrade. 

 The Papakura Leisure Centre’s programmes were attended by more than 18,000 people (up 60 per cent), and the customer satisfaction score was 84 per cent, up seven per cent. 

“We are really encouraged by that because there is little point in having facilities people don’t use. So to see the centre numbers growing, and the satisfaction levels reported, underlines how important the facility is.” 

Hawkins Theatre had another busy quarter, the venue hosting 40 programmes consisting of 133 film screenings, performances, workshops and rehearsals, with 13,012 participants. 

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