Green light for Te Hana playground design

Last Updated : 15 Jan 2025
Te Hana playground is on the move
There will be new play equipment for the Te Hana playground and different to this play module.

The Te Hana Domain playground design has been given the green light by the community and Rodney Local Board.

The junior playground is due to be replaced in 2026 and will be rebuilt on the other side of Whakapirau Road, placing it near the car park and toilet, and on the northern side of the domain.

Feedback from the local community, Te Ao Marama Cultural Centre and Te Uri O Hau Settlement Trust has been incorporated into the final design.

Rodney Local Board chair Brent Bailey is pleased that along with local feedback there are more opportunities for play including a loop path for young children learning to ride.

“The larger playground will cater for toddlers through to tweens with new play equipment and a range of activities to keep everyone happy.

“The new design is a big improvement on the current playground, and the feedback has helped confirm the layout, and choice of play equipment.

“Not all wishes can be fitted into the design as neither a fenced dog area or flying fox are in scope or budget for the project.

“However, the new playground will be a fantastic amenity for local families and the board is very pleased to approve its design.”

Play equipment will include:

  • senior and junior play modules

  • swings, waka see-saw and wheelchair carousel

  • fish-finder cultural activity

  • balance trail and stepping logs

  • timber seating and picnic tables.

Elevated grass mounds will create a visual connection to the cultural centre and interpretive signage and artwork added. Other features include paths, shade sails, signage, fencing, bollards and plantings. The existing community garden will be redeveloped as part of the new playground.

Local board member Colin Smith, who represents the Wellsford area, says the playground upgrade will help address the shortfall of play options in Te Hana.

“The new layout makes the most of the bigger space and includes new and existing play equipment. The new playground is going to be a popular addition to the domain and very well-used by the community when it’s built.”

The next step is the detailed design followed by the consents and tender processes with construction planned to start in 2026.

The community also raised safety concerns about children crossing Whakapirau Road as logging trucks travel through the domain. Auckland Transport will be asked to review the speed limit and signage on this section of the road.

The design has been future-proofed for a second stage of development which is subject to funding and includes a skate ramp and a 3-on3 court to coincide with the existing court renewal. Both facilities can be relocated to the northern side of Whakapirau Road.

The concept design is available in the agenda report (item 14) from the business meeting held on 14 December 2024.

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