Pest Free

Regional Pest Management Plan comes into effect
The new pest management plan is critical to the survival of the region’s native species, both plant and animal, which evolved in the absence of pests.

Has bird song returned to your backyard?
How well have you done this spring in attracting the return of bird song into your backyard?

Auckland Council gets back into environmental action
Auckland Council staff and contractors will be back out in the field as early as next week to resume work protecting and enhancing the region’s natural environment.

Pest-proofing as boaties prepare to return to the water
In preparation for the return to the water, Auckland Council is urging boat owners to check their vessels for pests, both above and below the water, before heading out.

Students create colourful murals for pest free trailer
A colourful trailer, decorated by three local students attending three different Enviro schools, will stand out in the local community.

Stowaway caught trying to hitch a ride on Rangitoto ferry
A vigilant Fullers360 crew member seized a small plague skink on a vessel due to depart for Rangitoto Island recently - the sixth recorded plague skink interception since 2016.

A new generation of council pups on its way
Piri, one of Auckland Council's hard-working biosecurity dogs is expecting puppies - and it's almost time to meet them.

Tackling the tricky issues to keep our gulf islands safe
Auckland Council’s island biosecurity programme took the New Zealand Biosecurity Eagle Technology Local and Central Government Award on 4 November.

Cornwallis Petrelheads protect peninsula's vulnerable birds
The Petrelheads of Cornwallis Peninsula are passionate about their namesake, the grey-faced petrel, and are working to manage the pests that threaten them.

Kauri compliance high but locals their own worst enemy
Auckland Council compliance officers were out in force over the weekend, watching for people breaking the rules around the use of closed tracks and putting kauri at risk.

Spot A Native Bird Competition Winners
Take a look at the winning entries to our photo competition and find out how you can protect our native birds.

Motuihe Island – pest free since 2005
Meet the Motuihe Trust, community volunteers who have been working hard to keep the island pest free since 2005.

How to attract birds to your garden
Check out these easy tips to make your garden a top destination for New Zealand birds.

Quiz: Can you guess our native trees from a single leaf?
Take this quiz and find out how many native trees you can identify from just a single leaf.

Rats go nuts for peanut butter
A new twist on trapping will see pests go nuts over peanut butter.

What lies beneath our two biggest harbours?
What marine pests call Auckland’s two biggest harbours home?