
Your rates in action: record investment in infrastructure
Your rates help deliver a wide range of day-to-day activities and services, and support investment in Auckland’s assets.

New timeline for property revaluation
Auckland Council is in the process of delivering its three-yearly property revaluations, ahead of the 2025/2026 rating year.

Auckland Council savings hit $337m in the last three years
Auckland Council has exceeded its annual operating savings target, with $60.2 million saved in the 2023/24 financial year. This contributes to $332 million in savings over the last three years.

Auckland Council savings continue to climb
Nearly 50 per cent of Auckland Council’s savings for this year have been achieved, as it works toward its $66 million savings target.

Your rates in action - an Auckland that is thriving and beautiful
Your rates help deliver a wide range of day-to-day activities and services, and support investment in Auckland’s assets.

Auckland’s Long-term Plan strikes a balance on 10-year investment
Today Auckland Council approved its proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034.

Long-term Plan attracts record community feedback
Long-term Plan attracts record community feedback.

What if I can’t pay my rates?
We know that for some people, rates are a considerable cost. If anyone is concerned about being able to pay rates, we encourage them to get in touch with our credit control team to discuss what options are available and how we can help.

Rating serviced apartments fairly
Part of our role at Auckland Council is to ensure everyone pays their fair share of rates. We want to make sure the funding of our services is shared fairly, and we have a rating policy in place for this.

Council interim report highlights annual budget challenges
Auckland Council’s interim report for the first six months to the end of December 2021 shows that many of the pressures forecast in our recovery budget are materialising.

Auckland Council adopts new Online Eftpos payment method
Online Eftpos is now available for Aucklanders to pay for their council products and services.

Council approves updated Contributions Policy
Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance committee has approved the updated Contributions Policy, which will come into effect on 10 January 2022.

Revaluation 2021: What to expect
Senior Economist Shane Martin covers what trends Aucklanders can expect to see in this year’s updated property values.

Revaluation 2021: Everything you need to know
Updated property values for all properties in the Auckland region will be available in March 2022.

Release of updated property values delayed until December
As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, the release of updated property values for the Auckland region has been delayed.