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Waste 18 Feb 2020

How we manage Auckland's holiday waste

The Auckland region sees around 50 million waste collections per year, and the busy summer holidays are no exception.

Environment 18 Feb 2020

Beating Auckland’s summer waste spike

Each year in Auckland, there is a seasonal spike in the amount of waste and recyclables produced between December and February. In January 2019, we created 17 per cent more recyclable materials and generated 9 per cent more rubbish than on an ave...

Waste 14 Feb 2020

Aotea locals face landfill capacity challenges

In a bid to drastically reduce the amount of waste going to landfill on Aotea / Great Barrier Island, Auckland Council rolled out major changes to the island’s waste services in July 2019.

Waste 14 Feb 2020

Illegal dumping earns Auckland man community work

A small trucking business operator has been sentenced to 120 hours of community work for illegal dumping in North Auckland.

Waste 11 Feb 2020

Kerbside bin collections for Waitangi Day

Kerbside bin collections will be one day later over the public holiday.

Waste 31 Jan 2020

Last chance to have your say on the government waste levy consultation

With the Government’s consultation on changes to the waste levy due to close on Monday, 3 February, Auckland Council is encouraging Aucklanders to have their say. The Government is proposing to both increase the levy and apply it to a wider range...

Waste 30 Jan 2020

$476,040 in new funding for Auckland waste minimisation projects

Thirty-three community organisations and businesses have got a boost in funding from Auckland Council’s Waste Minimisation Innovation Fund.

Dogs 28 Jan 2020

Council introduces alternative dog poo bags on Waiheke Island

A Waiheke Island resident aims to kick single-use conventional plastics out of the ecosystem by producing home-compostable dog poo bags.

Environment 24 Jan 2020

Kick start the new decade with a pledge to recycle right

Around 15 per cent of items found in the average Aucklander’s kerbside rubbish bin are recyclable materials that could be given another life if recycled correctly.

Waste 16 Jan 2020

Swap plastic bottles for reusable ones and join the 'refillution'

Wai Auckland and RefillNZ are joining forces to help make tap water the most convenient choice for Aucklanders.

Waste 9 Jan 2020

Upcycling to start your new year

There are many great options for keeping your unwanted items out of landfill.

Waste 8 Jan 2020

The weird and wonderful contents of Aucklanders’ recycling bins

Auckland Council’s kerbside recycling collection service has turned up some weird and wonderful things over 2019.

Environment 19 Dec 2019

How to protect Auckland's streams and harbours

Valuing Auckland’s water is not just about using less. It’s also about ensuring it stays clean and healthy.

Environment 16 Dec 2019

Churchill Fellowship awarded to council's waste specialist

Auckland Council’s Senior Waste Planning Advisor for Construction and Demolition Waste, Mark Roberts, has been awarded a 2019 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship.

Policies / Regulations 9 Dec 2019

Polluting developers pay the price

Developers in Auckland have been fined $67,800 in the Environment Court for repeatedly washing sediment into the stormwater system that then polluted local streams and waterways.

Waste 5 Dec 2019

Auckland Council announces world-class food scraps processing contract

Auckland Council is excited to announce a 20-year partnership with kiwi-owned and operated Ecogas Ltd to process the food scraps that will be collected kerbside across urban Auckland.