News105 Results

Auckland Council confirms sale of Auckland International Airport shares
Auckland Council has confirmed the sale (partial sell-down) of Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL) shares, as signalled in its Annual Budget 2023/2024.

Auckland Council committee achieves its $5 million savings target for the year
Auckland Council’s Revenue, Expenditure and Value Committee has hit its $5 million savings target for the 2023/2024 financial year.

Rating serviced apartments fairly
Part of our role at Auckland Council is to ensure everyone pays their fair share of rates. We want to make sure the funding of our services is shared fairly, and we have a rating policy in place for this.

What are Auckland Council rates spent on?
Rates are an essential part of the funding that allows Auckland Council to maintain a vibrant and sustainable Tāmaki Makaurau. It’s how we fund the services and facilities that matter and helps creates a city where all Aucklanders can thrive.

Auckland Council announces more rates relief for uninhabitable storm-damaged properties
Auckland Council’s Governing Body has approved rates relief for the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 rating years for Tāmaki Makaurau properties that are uninhabitable due to storm events and severe weather events in the first half of 2023.
Auckland Council appoints advisor for airport shares sale
Auckland Council has appointed UBS New Zealand Limited as financial advisor, on the initial stage of the sell-down of airport shares.

Auckland Council adopts final budget for 2023/2024
Auckland Council has adopted its final Annual Budget 2023/2024, to take effect from 1 July 2023.

Rates relief granted to uninhabitable Auckland properties
Auckland Council has today paid out around $1.3 million in rates relief to properties left uninhabitable as a result of the flood and cyclone events.