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Council news 12 May 2023

Auckland Council welcomes APTR decision

Auckland Council has welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision regarding a judicial review of the council’s 2017 and 2018 decisions to introduce an Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR).

Council news 10 May 2023

Economic pressures and storm response deepen budget challenges for Auckland Council

Responding to Auckland’s recent severe weather events, along with rising inflation-related costs, has heightened the challenges in balancing Auckland Council’s budget for the coming financial year.

Council news 2 May 2023

We heard you, Auckland – your feedback on our Annual Budget

More than 40,000 Aucklanders had their say on Auckland Council’s proposed Annual Budget 2023/2024, the largest amount of feedback received for any public consultation by the council.

Council news 2 May 2023

Consultation receives highest number of submissions ever

Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2023/2024 consultation has received a record-breaking 41,146 submissions, soaring past the previous 34,915 submissions for the Emergency Budget 2020/2021.

Council news 27 Apr 2023

Auckland Council to adopt new Development Contributions policy

Auckland Council’s Governing Body has agreed to adopt an amended development contributions policy from 1 June 2023.

Council news 29 Mar 2023

Annual Budget 2023/2024 receives record breaking number of online submissions

Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2023/2024 consultation has closed with a total of 28,850 online submissions.

Council news 21 Mar 2023

One week left to have your say on the council's Annual Budget 2023/2024

With only one week to go, over 10,000 Aucklanders have submitted feedback on Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2023/2024, setting a busy pace for the first three weeks.

Finance 17 Mar 2023

Trust and transparency underpin council finances

Chief Executive Jim Stabback talks about opening the books and the council's commitment to transparency.