Health / Wellbeing
Events50 Results

Whānau Friendly Exercise Classes
Join Tu Ranga Ora in this exercise programme.

BrainCharge at Orewa Library
BrainCharge is a fun and engaging brain fitness programme for adults.

Wā Pēpē : Babytime at Glenfield Library
Join us for singing, rhymes and movement in a nurturing environment for you and your babies under...

Composting Workshops - February
Come and learn how easy it is to turn your waste into fertiliser!!

Kākahu Raranga
This free drop in workshop is the start to your weaving journey where you will learn to weave you...

Curator's Insights: Your curious journey
Discover the artist’s explorations of light, perception and the environment, and gain behind-the-...

Digital Seniors free tech help for older people - St. Heliers Hub
Learn how to do what you'd like to do with your phone, laptop, tablet or other device.

Korean / English Bilingual Rhymetime at Glenfield Library
Join us for music, stories and rhymes in this Korean / English bilingual Rhyme and Storytime.