News15 Results

First flowers for Quay Street pōhutukawa since their dramatic journey home last winter
The first flourish of blazing red flowers is being noticed in Quay Street’s pōhutukawa, ushering in the first week of Auckland’s Alert Level 3, step 2.

VIDEO: Herenga Waka, Herenga Tāngata: gathering place of waka, gathering place of people
Downtown Auckland is now an expression of Tāmaki Makaurau

Auckland’s world-class waterfront opens
The completion of Auckland’s Downtown Programme marks the delivery of six key projects revitalising Quay Street and Galway Street, strengthening the sea wall and improving transport links in the city centre.

World-class waterfront opens for Aucklanders on 2 July
On Friday 2 July the much-awaited Te Wānanga public space on the edge of a people-prioritised Quay Street will open for Aucklanders to experience, and on 5 July the six new ferry berths, named Te Ngau O Horotiu, located in the Ferry Basin will rec...

Seeded mussel lines filter seawater from beneath Te Wānanga
Divers have attached 38 seeded mussel lines to the underside of Te Wānanga, the new public space which reaches out over the water in Quay Street.

Downtown shines as a uniquely Tāmaki Makaurau design
Together, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and Mana whenua have reimagined downtown.

40 year-old pōhutukawa return to Quay Street in overnight crane-lift
While the city was sleeping, Auckland’s urban ngahere/forest welcomed home the first two of seven mature pōhutukawa to Quay Street in a nine-hour crane operation.