Working towards a zero waste Auckland by 2040 is no easy task.
Auckland Council supports community based initiatives focused on zero waste that encourage Aucklanders to make reducing waste easy and fun – like these ones in the video.
Did you know much of the activity is at a grass-roots level with local people making a difference where they can?

Who's getting on board?
• A group of enterprising women putting their sewing skills to great use by making reusable bags for Tamaki WRAP
• An organisation like the Compost Collective on a mission to help Aucklanders reduce food and garden waste through composting
• A South Auckland mum inspired by the Nappy Lady, who managed to save a house deposit by switching to reusable nappies who is now sharing tips and inspiration with fellow Manurewa mums
• A group of residents in Mangere Bridge helping to reduce household waste.
To find out more or get involved see or email
If you’ve got a great idea about how your community group, organisation or business can reduce waste to landfill check out the Waste Minimisation Innovation Fund or the new Love Food Hate Waste Fund.