Media Contacts

The contact details below are for journalists and other media professionals.

If you are a member of the public, please contact the Auckland Council call centre on 09 301 0101.

Auckland Emergency Management

During an emergency response or civil defence emergency, the Public Information Management (PIM) duty phone will be activated.

Please phone 021 837 176 to speak to the PIM duty manager.

At all other times, for general Auckland Emergency Management inquiries, please contact the Auckland Council media team.

Office of the Mayor of Auckland

For all media enquiries please contact our communications team.
Please do not text the on-call number - text messages may not be seen or answered due to diverts.

Phone: 021 840 117 (on-call)

Matt Rogers, Principal Communications Advisor - Mayoral Office
Phone: 027 276 8533

Auckland Council Media Team

Weekends and public holidays

We operate an on-call system for time-sensitive queries at the weekends and public holidays. The on-call phone number is 021 199 0055. If your inquiry is not urgent we look forward to working with you on the next business day. Please do not text the on-call number - text messages may not be seen or answered due to diverts.

Monday to Friday

During business hours please direct your media query to one of the team members listed below:

Jo Davidson, Manager Corporate Communications and Media 
Phone: 021 331 634 
Contact for: governance, staff and legal matters, elections, corporate property, ICT.

Drew Broadley, Principal Advisor Media Relations
Phone: 027 260 8216
Contact for: governance, staff and legal matters, elections, corporate property, ICT; urban growth and development.

Priscilla Southcombe, Senior Specialist Corporate Communications and Media 
Phone: 027 290 9934 
Contact for: environmental programmes, Healthy Waters (stormwater), Safeswim, climate action.

Vanessa Feaver, Senior Specialist Corporate Communications and Media
Phone: 027 221 5232
Contact for: finance, 10-year Budget (Long-term Plan), Annual Budget and Annual Reports, rates and revaluations, green bonds.

Lucy Summerfield, Senior Specialist Corporate Communications and Media
Phone: 027 205 0244
Contact for: community and social policy, bylaw development and review, planning.

Alice Galletly, Specialist Corporate Communications and Media 
Phone: 027 406 4483 
Contact for: resource consents and building consents, regulatory compliance, animal management, food grades and licensing.

Holly Reid, Specialist Corporate Communications and Media 
Phone: 027 371 9947
Contact for: regional parks; libraries, arts, events, venues; customer services.

Nikolai Smith, Specialist Corporate Communications and Media 
Phone: 027 274 5017
Contact for: pools and leisure, local and sports parks, facility management and maintenance, cemeteries, Auckland Emergency Management, community funding and grants.

Kiri Carter, Senior Communications Specialist 
Phone: 027 217 4475
Contact for: waste solutions, waste collection, recycling, community waste initiatives, food scraps, inorganic collections.

Co-Governance Communications

Challen Wilson, Manager Co-Governance Communications
Phone: 021 924 544 

Contact for: Te Waka Tairangawhenua; Statutory Co-Governance – Tūpuna Maunga Authority, Te Poari o Kaipātiki ki Kaipara, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserve Board; other Co-Governance / Co-Management partnership arrangements – Puukaki, Pukekiwiriki Paa, Te Motu Hiaroa, Te Wai o Maru, Rangihoua and Tawaipareira Management Committee.

Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office 

Melanie Tuala, Media Specialist
Phone: 027 293 0989 
Contact for: repair and rebuild efforts as a result of the extreme weather events of early 2023; property categorisation and recovery funding.

Office of the Deputy Mayor

Leigh Hopkins, Senior Communications Advisor
Phone: 027 356 9854

CCO media contacts

Auckland Transport

Weekends and public holidays

We operate an on-call system for time-sensitive queries over weekends and public holidays. The on-call phone number is 021 480 957. If your inquiry is not urgent we look forward to working with you on the next business day. Please do not text the on-call number - text messages may not be seen or answered due to diverts.

Monday to Friday

During business hours please direct your media query to one of the team members listed below:

Corporate and governance matters, public transport, walking and cycling:

Sam Stephenson, Media Manager (Acting).

021 574 279 

Safety, parking, roading and maintenance:

Natalie Polley, Senior Media Specialist

021 569 194

Major construction projects, decarbonisation and environment:

Michael Curreen, Senior Media Specialist

021 190 1094

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

General media enquiries
Chris Gregory, Media Manager
Phone: 027 292 3601

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
Lesl van der Voorn, Communications Advisor
Phone: 021 548 480

Auckland Stadiums
Josh Peacock, Communications and Marketing Manager
Phone: 027 249 6612
Contact for: Go Media Stadium Mt Smart, North Harbour Stadium, Western Springs Stadium

Auckland Zoo
Jane Healy, Communications Manager
Phone: 027 291 9773

Joanne Gourley, Communications Manager
Phone: 027 296 3261
Contact for: Tourism, major and business events, Auckland Live

Economic Development
Ellen Comber, Communications Manager
Phone: 021 196 5150
Contact for: Climate, creative industries including Screen Auckland, economy, investment, technology and innovation

New Zealand Maritime Museum
Amber Hankins, Marketing and Communications Advisor
Phone: 021 244 7875

Eke Panuku Development Auckland

Lisa Franklin, Media Manager
Phone: 021 198 5954

Watercare Services

Melanie Verran, External Content Manager
Phone: 022 006 2754