More power has been restored, and now around 400 properties remain without power since last week’s storm, says Vector and Counties Power.
Director of Auckland Emergency Management John Dragicevich says, “This is encouraging news from the power companies and I’m sure it’s good news for those with power.
“Yesterday we gathered 60 Auckland Council volunteers and Maori Wardens who knocked on 1905 doors in Auckland, bringing our total number of doors knocked to almost 7000.
“We just continued making welfare checks on our community and put them in touch with the services and assistance they need. We had a good response; people want to know we’re doing what we can for them. And we are.”
Trees - stay vigilant and report issues
Auckland Emergency Management is reminding the public to be vigilant around trees across Auckland, as last week's storm has left some trees unstable and susceptible to further damage.
Auckland Council arborists estimate most streets in the region saw some level of damage to trees on both public and private land.
More than 1000 fallen trees and large branches have already been cleared to make way for the restoration of power to more than 180,000 homes.
Contractors are prioritising jobs that pose immediate safety issues. Trees will be put on berms and mulched at a later date, so contractors can move on to higher priority jobs. This may take weeks to clear.
People concerned about weakened or damaged trees on their own properties should contact an arborist as soon as possible.
Anyone concerned by weakened or damaged trees on public land that are directly on or very close to power lines should call the council’s contact centre immediately on 09 301 0101.
Emergency management teams visit 7000 households
Auckland Emergency Management has now coordinated 7000 visits to households in areas affected by the power outage.
On Sunday 15 April, 3000 households were visited by 138 people from the police, Fire and Rescue New Zealand, Community Patrols New Zealand, New Zealand Defence Force, St John’s Ambulance, and Land Search and Rescue, following visits to 2000 properties on Saturday.
As of 4pm Monday, Auckland Emergency Management had delivered 258 portable toilets and 21,250L of water to affected households and to fire stations for distribution.
“It’s been heartening to also see other organisations out supporting their local communities. The Tzu Chi Foundation yesterday delivered 77 blankets and food parcels to residents in Kaupakaka, Waimauku and Waitakere areas,” says Dragicevich.
“We will continue to support those without power and residents can contact us on 0800 22 22 00 if they need assistance."
Leisure centres and libraries offer support
People affected by the power outage can get support from Auckland Council Pools and Leisure centres, Auckland Libraries and Auckland Council Service Centres.
Auckland Pools and Leisure website
If you need help with urgent or unexpected costs as a result of the Auckland storms, the Ministry of Social Development may be able to help, call 0800 559009. You don’t need to be on a benefit.
More information at the Work and Income website
Check the Metservice website for the latest weather updates.
Vector advises that up to 400 properties are without power. Counties Power advises that it has restored power to all but 6 properties. For up-to-date information on restoration times for power and hot water, visit the Vector website and Counties Power.
Once power is restored to your property, it may take several hours for the hot water lines to be connected and for your cylinder to heat up.
Customers who remain without power or hot water after their street is reconnected should get in touch with Vector via phone or app to let them know, as there may be localised faults on individual properties.
All downed power lines should be treated as live. Stay well away and don’t attempt to cut or move trees that are in contact with lines.
Water and portaloos
Anyone without access to a toilet or drinking water because of the storm, that can’t get any by other means, can phone us on 0800 22 22 00.
Waste food
If food has spoiled as a result of your power outage you can take it to Waitakere Transfer Station in Henderson and dispose of it for free.
If you cannot access the transfer station and have more than three rubbish sacks of spoiled food, call 0800 222200 to arrange for a special collection.
Auckland Council’s rubbish collection services are scheduled as normal.
Waitakere Transfer Station address: 50 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610. Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 6am-6pm.
Rural Support Trust
The Rural Support Trust can provide those living in rural areas with advice and support. Contact the trust on 0800 787 254.
Animal welfare
If your property is experiencing issues with septic/waste overflow, try to prevent animals coming into contact with this material. Animals are just as susceptible to becoming unwell as people if they ingest this material. It can cause gastro-like illness. If you are boiling water for safe drinking, do the same for your animals.
Picture: Auckland Emergency Management, Police and council staff volunteers preparing for door-to-door at Glenfield community hub on Saturday.