Auckland Council’s second Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP) pilot will launch on Thursday, with a focus on Auckland’s south-eastern coastline.
Previously known as Coastal Management Plans, SAPs explore how Auckland Council-owned coastal land and assets can be adapted to manage the impacts of natural hazards, including erosion, coastal inundation, flooding, and climate change, while considering the needs and values of mana whenua and the local community. Recognising the environmental and landscape value of the shoreline, SAPs also work to promote the preservation and restoration of the coastal environment for future generations.
Once completed, SAPs will provide site-specific adaptation strategies that will outline the preferred management response for each coastal area over the next 100 years. Together, all SAPs will help inform the sustainable management of the council’s assets along the coast, including the development of a regional prioritisation process for funding. This will ensure cost-effective management of new and existing structures and the development of a resilient future shoreline.
Auckland Council’s General Manager Resilient Land and Coasts Paul Klinac says, “Auckland has over 3200km of diverse coastline that is much-loved by residents and visitors alike.
“But the coast also presents a range of issues and hazards that we need to better understand and plan for. Issues like complex coastal processes and the impacts of coastal hazards, climate change, and the need to adapt are just some of the challenges we want to discuss further with mana whenua and our coastal communities.”
In addition to community input, SAPs will use coastal hazard information like coastal erosion, coastal inundation and flood mapping, and climate change research to develop a regional risk assessment. The technical assessment will identify areas of the coast that may be most at risk from future changes.
Making our shoreline areas more resilient is an important step towards preparing Auckland for the future impacts of climate change.
The “Beachlands and East” SAP will cover the shoreline area between Pine Harbour Marina and the Auckland Council boundary just south of Matingarahi.

The pilot will run from late-October to mid-February 2022 and public engagement will take place both online and (alert level permitting) in person.
Attend our webinars and ask our experts your questions:
- Introduction to shoreline adaptation (17 November, 6-7pm)
- Introduction to coastal hazards (1 December, 6-7pm)
- Head to AK Have Your Say to get more information on the project and tell us how you value the coast
- Explore our interactive digital map
In person
- Come along to one of our on-site events to hear from our experts, look at the hazard maps for your area, tell us what you value most about the coast and let us know about key issues
- Due to COVID-19 restrictions, event dates and times may change. Please visit AK Have Your Say for regular updates
The information collected from both the online and in-person events will be used to identify community values and inform the development of adaptation strategies.
In addition to the South-East pilot, we have commenced the Te Waimanawa (Little Shoal Bay) Shoreline Adaptation ‘Concept’ Plan. The plan will follow the established Shoreline Adaptation Plan technical and community engagement framework but will take high level adaptation strategies down to detailed options for implementation.
As a concept plan, results will be focused on the discrete area of Little Shoal Bay. However, to ensure a holistic approach, results will (at a later date) be aligned within the wider Kaipātiki Shoreline Adaptation Plan as an ‘area of interest’.
The concept plan is scheduled to take four to six months to develop, including engagement with local iwi, infrastructure providers and the community. The plan has commenced with a contamination (land) study to inform the technical feasibility of coastal management options, and with invitations for local iwi to engage.
Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee Councillor Richard Hills says, “It’s fantastic to see this crucial work ramping up across Tāmaki Makaurau. The two large pilot areas and one discrete concept plan will build a great foundation to build upon as we begin the complex yet important process of adapting our coast as we begin to see the impacts of climate change.
“This work will also support mana whenua and local residents to help shape the future, armed with accurate data, while protecting our environment and prevent us making kneejerk decisions that can lead to poor outcomes for our coastal environments and waterways
“This work will be funded regionally as part of the climate initiatives in our recently approved 10-year Budget.”
The first Shoreline Adaptation Plan Pilot covered the Whangaparāoa Peninsula, and the findings will be released once the report has been approved in December.
For more information on Shoreline Adaptation Plans and to read Auckland’s Coastal Management Framework, check out the council’s website.