Auckland Council has walked away with the CPA Australia New Zealand Integrated Reporting Award – Public Sector for a second time, for their Annual Report 2021/2022.
CPA Australia says the award recognises organisations who have embraced the concept of ‘connectivity of information’, by developing strategy, governance, performance and prospects to create sustained and sustainable prosperity through integrated reporting.
Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, who was Chair of the council’s Finance and Performance Committee when the report was released, says she’s delighted the team is getting the recognition it deserve.
“I’m thrilled for the team. I’ve always encouraged them to tell our financial story better, in a wider performance context with more than just the numbers, and this award recognises we’ve delivered on that.”

Rick Jones from CPA Australia presents the award to CFO Peter Gudsell and Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson.
Auckland Council Group Chief Financial Officer, Peter Gudsell, says he’s proud of the team for winning the award for a second time.
“The entire team worked hard to bring together a report for Aucklanders that tells the story of how the council delivers performance and value for them. At the heart of this story is transparency and authenticity about the achievements, and challenges, in delivering on agreed performance measures.
“Receiving feedback such as ‘honest’ and ‘true to its label’ is a real win for us, especially as a public organisation, and is confirmation we’re achieving what we set out to do – which is to openly and concisely report on Auckland Council Group’s performance for the year.
CPA Australia Country Head New Zealand, Rick Jones, was there to present the award to the team in person.
“The judges were impressed that, for a highly complex organisation, they did great job of communicating their key messages and tying it all together,” says Rick.
“They linked well to the resources organisations use to create value, told a great story of bridging short- and long-term issues, and were transparent and rigorous.”

Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson and the Auckland Council Annual Report 2021/2022 team.
Auckland Council Manager Group Performance Reporting, Karuna Dahya, says the team placed importance on developing comprehensive, accurate and honest reporting.
“This year we got bolder, taking a bigger step to cement the principles of both integrated reporting and integrated thinking in our approach.
“We know our organisation is diverse and complex and our goal was a clear narrative about our activities, its impacts for Aucklanders and how they contribute to the strategic outcomes we seek for the region.
“It was a privilege to be amongst entrants of such a high calibre, and I’d like to thank everyone across the council group who made this happen.
“We hope that the outcome of our work is an Annual Report that helps Aucklanders better understand the work that council does and the value we provide,” she says.