Storm-affected homeowners across Auckland are being to encouraged to register by 30 September 2024 for a free risk assessment and risk category for their property.
Deputy Group Recovery Manager Mace Ward encourages anyone who was severely affected by the weather events in early 2023 to register as there are a number of benefits from getting a risk category, as well as implications if you choose not to.
“If you register before 30 September 2024 you will find out the future flood and landslide risk for your home and if you’re eligible to receive funding for your storm-damaged property to ensure the occupants are safe.”
If the free risk assessment shows your property has a flood or landslide threat that creates an intolerable risk to life, you will be eligible for funding or grants that:
enable your home to be purchased for up to 95% (from 80% if you’re not insured) of its market valuation as at 26 January 2023 so you can relocate away from the hazard (Category 3) or
pay for changes on your property up to a value of 25% of its Capital Value (CV) so it is safe to keep living in (Category 2P)
Mr Ward adds that a risk assessment will also let you know if your home doesn’t meet the threshold for intolerable risk to life if it is assessed as Category 1 (2MB PDF).
What you need to consider
Mr Ward says that his team are hearing a number of reasons why homeowners don’t wish to register for categorisation, and says it’s important they’re aware of the implications of their decisions.
“Firstly if you are given a Category 3 and you choose not to accept a buy-out offer from council, it is unlikely you will be able to insure your property and there may also be implications if you have to secure future lending for the property.”
“And regardless of your risk category, insurers may decide not to insure you or may raise your premiums to reflect the level of risk in your area.”
Mr Ward points out that prospective property buyers are more aware of flood and landslide risks (with tools like Flood Viewer), and will take these into account when buying – regardless of any risk category. Tenants also consider these risks when looking for a rental.
If you register, your home will be given a Category 1, 2 or 3 depending on the level of risk. It’s important to note that if your property is assessed as Category 2 or 3, this will be disclosed on any Land Information Memorandum (LIM) requested for your property. The information you provide in the registration form as well as your risk category will be added to the property file for your property.
If you receive a Category 2P, you will need to manage the mitigation work done on your property or contract a project manager to do this. You can use part of the grant money to pay for this. You will also be reponsible for the future maintenance of the asset as the property owner.
How to register
Register online for this voluntary process (at before 30 September 2024.