This Matariki, spin through space with Auckland Libraries to discover the legends of the starry skies above us and the mysteries of the earth beneath us. With over 100 free events, activities and workshops at libraries across the region, bring friends and whānau and join the fun in your local community.
The Waitākere Rāhui Toitū he Whenua exhibition runs as part of Matariki Festival 2018 until 22 July across Tāmaki Makaurau. Honour the giants among us in this exhibition that brings together print, sculpture, photography and fashion arts forms.
The captivating display acknowledges the rāhui in place on the Waitākere Ranges to protect the ngahere and halt the spread of kauri dieback disease.
A must-see this year is the mesmerising Ngā Pai ō Hina exhibition displayed at Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero at Central City Library – a newly revamped space to host Auckland’s most intriguing exhibitions, collections and uncovered secrets. Delve into the mysteries of the spiritual guardian Hine Te Iwaiwa and her connection with the moon.
In this collaborative work, artist Natasha Keating’s hand-painted wahine are lovingly embellished with native putiputi and fibre adornments by weaver Bethany Matai Edmund.
Meanwhile, turn your gaze to the heavens with Auckland Libraries’ stargazing sessions. Astronomers and scientists from Stardome are running several workshops at Rānui, Albany and Ponsonby libraries to en-‘lighten’ children about the Matariki constellation and the galaxies whirling above us.
Make sure you check out the one nearest you!

Or mark the Māori New Year in the classic kiwi way – whipping up some tasty kai with whanau! Cook up a kaimoana hotpot, decorate mouth-watering star biscuits and munch on some Māori fried bread.
You can dig even deeper and start your own veggie garden or plant some delicious herbs so you’re set to feed the family for the rest of the year.
For those artsy folk among us, don’t miss the chance to literally make some memories. Learn how to weave flax stars, embark on a poi-making workshop and tell the story of you and your whakapapa through sculpture building.
Plus to make sure you’re dressed for the occasion – create your own Matariki mask or a decorative cloak of knowledge inspired by Māori korowai tradition.
Councillor Cathy Casey, Chairperson of the Community Development and Safety Committee, is delighted at Auckland Libraries’ Matariki celebrations.
“Libraries are so much at the hub and heart of our communities,” she says. “And a crucial part of that role is supporting and nurturing Māori culture and language.
"This huge range of events and activities celebrating Matariki is a wonderful testament to how libraries bring us together.”
For more details and the full list of Matariki events at Auckland Libraries go to See to find out about Matariki Festival 2018.