Have your say on nine ideas to make Ponsonby Road even better

Last Updated : 11 Mar 2021
Have your say on nine ideas to make Ponsonby Road even better (2)

Auckland Transport is working with the community to trial safer ways to travel and to create a more vibrant Ponsonby Road.

This is part of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Innovating Streets for People programme that aims to change our streets to safer and more liveable places.

After feedback from the public late last year and three community design workshops held over the past few months, nine ideas have been developed that AT would like your feedback on by March 21.

The changes will be temporary, installation will be quick, and adjustments can be made once the changes are in place.

See a brief overview of each idea below.

Click here for more details and to have your say by March 21

Barnes Dance crossings e.g. Queen Street/Victoria Street intersection

Allowing pedestrians to cross the road in all directions at the Richmond Road and Williamson Ave intersections. Creating more vibrancy and making it easier and quicker to cross the road.

Safety improvements to mid-block crossings

Widen existing pedestrian islands in the middle of the road “watch and steps” and make them more visible. This will make it safer and easier to cross the road, reduce jaywalking, and add some colour to the street.

Improve pedestrian crossings on side streets

Apply paint, signage, or artwork to pedestrian crossings at selected side streets between Collingwood and Hepburn. This will make it safer to cross the road, clarify who has right of way, and add to Ponsonby’s vibrancy and sense of place.

Dedicated delivery & taxi pick-up and drop-off areas

Working with businesses to create dedicated pickup and drop off areas for taxis and Ubers, and loading zones for deliveries. This will make it safer and easier to get to Ponsonby, make deliveries easier for businesses and will stop these vehicles from blocking the road. 

Restrict right-turn crossings

Close off right-hand turns into and from selected side streets between Collingwood and Pollen. This will improve traffic flow, make it safer to cross the road, and reduce rat-running.

De-clutter the footpath

Create less clutter on the footpath by having dedicated zones for signage, scooters and bike parking. This will make the street more inviting and easier to navigate especially for parents with kids and prams, elderly, and those in wheelchairs etc. 


Temporarily converting on-road parking spaces and generous footpath areas into fun zones with seating, greenery, artwork, and more. Creating an even more vibrant, happy, inviting Ponsonby where people sit and spend time.

Expressing the Ponsonby character: storytelling, cultural expression & history

Artwork, storytelling and cultural expression across the street to celebrate the uniqueness, colour, and amazing history of our community.

Shared lane

Encourage slower and more considerate driver behaviour on the outside lanes of the road through artwork and signage, where bikes, buses, and scooters can feel safer sharing the road with cars.

Click here for more details and to have your say by March 21

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