Tour of Duty


Queens Arcade, 34-40 Queen Street, Auckland City Centre

Show map


Thursday 25 April 2024 - Sunday 28 July 2024





Barbara Holloway
021 808 590


Renowned artist Trish Campbell is exhibiting 'Tour of Duty - A Tribute to Domestic Toil' in Queen’s Arcade between 25 April and 28 July 2024.  This exhibition relates to ANZAC commemorations, although Trish's, while referencing war medals, has a far wider context.

 “In commemoration of ANZAC DAY and MOTHERS DAY - a work by many and for all. It is a tribute and expression of love to my late mother and father and to all domestic warriors who gave their all in the service of their families,” Trish Campbell.

This installation pays homage to the unsung heroism within domestic partnerships. A hall of remembrance intended to pay tribute to the unit known as ‘husband and wife’. Campbell’s father was a Korean War veteran, and she cites his military medals as the starting point for this work. When considering the sacrifice a person offers when serving in the military, the courage and fortitude of the wives and family left behind is often less visible.

Trish also connected with the fact that, after raising a family of six, her parent’s devotion to the service of their family for over 55 years was worthy of similar recognition. Each medal is made from the union of two objects, each with prior history and associated place. Fashioned from a collection of pre-loved men’s ties and decorative doilies, each is carefully selected and assigned a partner.

The doily, synonymous with a ‘feminine touch’ to the home, is partnered to the formal masculinity of the tie. More than a mere embellishment the ‘decorative’ is reassigned to construct a ‘decoration of honour’. Each tie and doily is stiffly starched and ironed.

The method employed in making these badges alludes to daily domestic toil. The repetition suggests relentless routine. Medals are given as an acknowledgement of bravery, dedication and achievement. In Trish’s words, “This is essentially a tribute to our mothers and our fathers for meeting the challenge of raising us, their children.”

“The rows of constructed 'medals' had an immediate impact on people who entered the space.  The ties and the doilies, while such different objects, came together in a union, signifying the collective sacrifice of parents.  

Trish's work was very accessible to a wide audience, engaging those with an interest in art, New Zealand history, traditional crafts and collectors, young and old, who scour junk shops.  It fascinated me how successfully this exhibition appealed to such a wide variety of audiences,” Martin Sutcliffe [former] Director, Corban Estate Arts Centre.(Redaction from its first showing in 2008).

Please check Trish’s Instagram for opening hours till Sunday 28 July.

Proudly supported by Auckland Council and the city centre targeted rate.

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