Call for artist's proposals

Freyberg Steps for ArtWeek in the City Centre 2024


Freyberg Steps, Freyberg Place, Auckland City Centre

Show map


Friday 26 July 2024



Artist Fees for the Freyberg Steps:
$3,500 + GST. This fee covers the design and to oversee the production and application of the successful artwork.

Rebirth - Eduardo Tan 2024_11zon_xjdaafxq.jpg

Heart of the City is calling for artist proposals for temporary public artwork to bring to life one of the city centre’s favourite spaces as part of ArtWeek in the City Centre 2024.

Being held in Auckland's city centre between 4 - 13 October 2024, ArtWeek in the City Centre 2024 will celebrate art and creativity that expresses the positive theme of 'Happiness'. 

The ArtWeek in the City Centre 2024 programme aims to create reasons for people to explore and enjoy the city centre. It will include the popular Late Night Art and Urban Art Village events, Changing Lanes delivered by Auckland Council with support from the city centre targeted rate and various exhibitions and activations in galleries, venues, and public spaces.

The Freyberg Steps project will also be a key feature of the event, and artists' proposals are now being called for to bring this aspect of the programme to life.

Heart of the City is looking for colourful, lively and joyful artworks that will create cause for people to pause, smile (be happy) and connect with the urban surroundings and each other. The selected artwork will remain installed for two months, from early October 2024.

Artist Fees for the Freyberg Steps:
$3,500 + GST. This fee covers the design and to oversee the production and application of the successful artwork.

The fees for installation and removal will be covered by Heart of the City (i.e. at no cost to the artist) and are separate from the Artist Fee. Installation and removal will be the responsibility of Blink Ltd.

Submit your proposal by 5 pm, 26 July 2024 to

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