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Magical Moving Images - School Holiday programme


Howick Historical Village, Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga

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Tuesday 16 July 2024
Wednesday 17 July 2024
Thursday 18 July 2024
Friday 19 July 2024
Saturday 20 July 2024
Sunday 21 July 2024
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Admission: adult $16, senior/student $13, child $8, family $40, child under 5 free. Bread making $10 add-on. Candle making $6 add-on.

No bookings required but please note numbers are limited for bread and candle making.


09 576 9506

Magic lantern and steroscope_c4h1axow.jpg
Magic lantern and stereoscope
Candle making school holidays 2024 Howick Historical Village_x0zlrxk3.jpg
Candle making
fire demo school holidays 2024 Howick Historical Village_lha00kkd.jpg
Fire-starting demo.
Bread making school holidays 2024 Howick Historical Village 2 (2)_txvryv2b.jpg
Bread ready to be baked!
Learn skills from the past and experience some of the hard work done every day, in hands-on activities and demos with costumed guides.  20–30-minute sessions are a great way to extend your visit.

Explore technologies of 1800’s entertainment, where images were magically brought to life though electric light and optical tricks.

10:30: ‘The Illusions’ - Magic Lantern, Stereoscope, Phenakistoscope. A demo of 1800’s image entertainment & optical illusions. 

10:30: Bread making ($10pp)

10:30: ‘The Illusions’
11am Candle making ($6pp)

11am: Fire-starting demo.
Until 3pm: Butter making

10:30: ‘The Illusions’

Until 3pm: Butter making

Everyday at 10:30am: Feed the chooks !

All day: Make a whirligig & a thaumatrope (self-guided)

For safety reasons no actual lighting of fires will occur. Please note that there is no butter making on Sunday 14 July as it is the Live Day
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