Women's Wellbeing Chinese Talk Series



Auckland Central City Library, 44-46 Lorne Street, Auckland City Centre

Whare Wānanga - level 2

Show map


Saturday 7 September 2024
Saturday 5 October 2024
Saturday 2 November 2024
Saturday 7 December 2024



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讲员丁铭明现任新西兰亲子教育机构The Parenting Place认证家长辅导员,已有10年授课经验,并同时担任中国心理服务平台壹心理的心理倾听师,为有心理需求的人群提供专业服务。


We cordially invite you to our once-a-month Women’s Wellbeing Talk series, in partnership with UNIVISION Community Trust.

The presenter, Mingming Ding, is a certified parent counsellor and has been conducting courses for 10 years at The Parenting Place. She also developed the copyrighted course "Becoming a Parent Coach," which has been running for three years.

Mingming previously worked as a TV director at China Central television and Jilin Television, where she produced children's and family education programs and documentaries.

This talk series will be conducted in Mandarin.

1. 原生家庭,幸福的本色 The Essence of Happiness in a Family

2024年 9 月7 日 星期六, 下午2:00 - 3:30 | Saturday 07 Sep 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

人的生命,从出生到死亡;   家庭的历程,从初建到解体.



A person's life is largely spent within the family. This talk explores various family problems, ways to overcome them, and how to live a happy life from the perspective of the family life cycle.

2. 恋爱与新婚,新家庭幸福的起点 The Starting Point of a Happy Family

2024年 10 月5 日 星期六, 下午2:00 - 3:30 | Saturday 05 Oct 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm





A new family is a new starting point in our lives. This talk explores various phenomena in love and marriage: singleness, late marriage, relying on parents, mama's boy and in-law relationships. How can we grow and build our own happy family? Let's discuss it together.

3.  有孩子的家庭,在幸福中成长   Women’s Parent-child Relationship

2024年11 月2 日 星期六, 下午2:00 - 3:30 | Saturday 02 Nov 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm





For many women, the most challenging stage of their lives is raising children.

Postnatal depression, conflicts with in-laws, single parenting, tiger mom parenting style, adolescent rebellion, midlife crisis can all make us question whether we can still find happiness.  If you hope to find happiness during this stage, please don't miss this talk.

4. 晚年生活,落日中的幸福 Living well in Later Years

2024年12 月7 日 星期六, 下午2:00 - 3:30 | Saturday 07 Dec 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm



Have you ever explored the meaning of life after retirement? What other wishes do you want to realize? Are you satisfied with your life? A correct perception of death may help us see our hearts clearly and live a happy life in the present.

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