Rangitōpuni Kayak Day


Come join Mountains to Sea and kayak up the Rangitopuni/Riverhead awa in partnership with Auckland Sea Kayaks and Wai Connection.

Hear about the importance of waterway protection and observe nature and local wildlife on display. We will also be running pest trapping, raranga/weaving and freshwater monitoring workshops to fully immerse yourself in connecting with te taiao. Please only register for the kayaking if you can commit to the full 4hr timeslot, expect to spend 1.5hrs kayaking and 45mins for each of the workshops.

Sea conditions permitting - we will run with light rain. Koha/donations are appreciated - there will be facilities for cash and eftpos on site.

Minimum age for kayaking is 7 years old. Children aged 7-14 need to have a confident adult in the back of their kayak. Children under 16 need an adult companion. Prior kayak experience and swimming ability is required for the kayaking activity.

Registrations are essential.

This event is generously funded by the Ministry for the Enivronment.

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