Witheford Regeneration with Kaipātiki Project


Witheford Reserve, Kaipatiki Road, Glenfield, Auckland 0629

Enter the reserve opposite Glenfield College tennis courts:
3 Kaipātiki Road, Glenfield

Show map


Tuesday 1 April 2025
Tuesday 6 May 2025
Tuesday 3 June 2025





Maria Valkova
020 413 48515



Booking is not essential for this event but is highly recommended in case of last minute changes to the event details.

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Witheford Reserve is a unique space which hosts an impressive diversity of ecosystems and native plant and animal species. We need your help to regenerate and protect parts of this amazing reserve.

Led by an expert ecologist on the first Tuesday of each month, Kaipātiki Project leads a trusty group of local volunteers to regenerate this special reserve and positively impact the environment. It's a great opportunity to:

- Learn about our unique native ecosystems
- Connect with like-minded individuals
- Connect with nature
- Spend some healthy time moving your body outdoors
- Give back to nature

Witheford Scenic Reserve includes lowland forest, a Waitematā sandstone stream, tidal saltmarsh and coastal cliffs. In some parts of the reserve there are remnant native trees (kahikatia, totara and kowhai) that survived early clearing and milling during European settlement. Along the coastal edge of this and adjoining reserves is Kaipatiki Creek, turangawaewae (home habitat) to endangered native fish, tuna (eels), koura (freshwater crayfish) and shore birds, such as moho pereru (banded rail).

Corporate or Group Volunteering: If you are an Organisation looking to volunteer with your team, please explore our Corporate Volunteering options instead of joining this community volunteering day. We offer private hosting for your group, allowing you to tailor the experience to your needs. Select a day that suits you and embark on a meaningful team-building experience while making a positive impact on the community.

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