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List your event

If you need assistance while submitting an event, please email ourauckland@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.

Event author

This contact information is for OurAuckland administration purposes only and will not be made available to the public.
Public contact information for the event can be added later in the form.

* Mandatory information required

How is this event associated with Auckland Council? *

OurAuckland lists events that are associated with Auckland Council. It is not for advertising private/commercial events that have no council association.
If your event is not associated with Auckland Council but you think it qualifies to be listed on OurAuckland, please provide more information here.

Event name and type

* Mandatory information required

Type of event*

Event location and dates

Please select if your event will be held at a single location or takes place at multiple locations.

Event location

Is this event to be held online only?
Is this event hosted at a library?

Please include a complete street address, including the suburb

Are there any other details that would make your event easy to find? For example, locations marker, meeting place, floor number, room name etc

Event date(s)

Date & Times


Costs and bookings

Event costs *
Is booking required for this event?

Event content

Please add a detailed description with all the relevant information about your event. This could include:

  • what people can expect to see and do at the event
  • who the event is most suitable for - kids, adults only etc
  • an outline, timetable or programme of the activities on offer
  • transport advice for getting to and from the event

Public contact details

If provided, these details will be visible to the public.

Event images

Images must be in jpg or png format. Each image needs to be less than 2MB and have a minimum width of 480 pixels and a minimum height of 365 pixels.


Once submitted, you will not be able to edit your event until the administrator has approved your submission. Please check that all of your information is correct.