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Have your say 15 Jul 2020

The future of the Whau is in your hands

What will the Whau look like in a post-COVID world? That’s the question on the mind of Whau Local Board, which has released its draft three-year plan for consultation.

Heritage 4 Jun 2020

Restoration of Avondale grave preserves a piece of history

A piece of the Whau’s history has been salvaged following the restoration of a gravestone in St Ninians Cemetery in Avondale.

Plans / Projects 7 May 2020

Lights on for Avondale Streetscape project

A streetscape enhancement project in Avondale is set to go ahead with the addition of street lighting as part of the design.

20 Dec 2019

Mix of new faces and returning members lead local boards

Returning members and several new faces are among those elected to lead your local boards for the 2019-2022 term.

5 Dec 2019

Avondale Business Association issue resolved with funding reinstated

Auckland Council is set to reinstate funding to the Avondale Business Association following the satisfactory conclusion of a review into the association’s financial controls.

Transport 8 Nov 2019

New Lynn to Avondale shared path underway

Work is starting on a major shared path linking communities in west Auckland.

Environment 11 Sep 2019

New Lynn culvert reaches milestone

A change in the lane layout in Great North Road, New Lynn, marks a significant milestone in the installation of a new culvert under the road.

Community 29 Aug 2019

Another step for Avondale Library and Community Centre

Plans for the new $21 million Avondale multipurpose community facility have taken another step forward following completion of the project vision and design brief.


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