Census highlights a changing south
The south is growing faster than the rest of Auckland and is becoming even more ethnically diverse.
Senior Directory puts services in one place
Members of the senior community now have a one stop shop for service listings.
Tadmor to super-size green
Decrepit buildings will go to provide more green space in Manurewa.
Honouring Hingaia in sculpture at Karaka
Waiohua chieftainess Hingaia is celebrated at the park that bears her name in Karaka.
Bike Hub No 14 gets Manurewa rolling
Auckland transport has added the final bike hub to its Auckland network, the Beautification Trust's Dalgety Road site in Manurewa.
Sacred site tour will examine climate effects
Members of the public can join a visit to sites of significance to Ngāti Tamaoho to understand what climate change might mean to them.
Papakura students have eyes on the future
A dozen Papakura rangatahi have received grants to help them pursue further study.
Papakura Stream helpers celebrate progress
There are thousands more plants along the Papakura Stream's banks thanks to committed volunteers.
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