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Housing 20 Feb 2017

Developer confirmed for council-owned Hobsonville Point site

Panuku Development Auckland has confirmed Avanda Group as the housing developer for Stage Two of the Airfields precinct at Hobsonville Point.

Environment 20 Feb 2017

Battling bugs declare war on privet

Auckland Council has released Chinese privet lace bugs at Birkenhead War Memorial Reserve to help fight the invasive Chinese privet weed.

Community 17 Feb 2017

Kauri Kids serves generations in Beach Haven

Cindy Starnes-Koroi of Kauri Kids Beach Haven shares how childcare can enrich the entire community.

Environment 16 Feb 2017

Chinese privet on the menu for new biocontrol bug

There is hope on the horizon in the fight against Chinese privet, with the release of a tiny bug that feasts on the weed.

Transport 15 Feb 2017

New Auckland-Northland motorway route revealed

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) have announced a proposed route for a new road between Warkworth and Wellsford.

14 Feb 2017

Auckland Council welcomes Auditor-General’s Massey North report

A report by the Auditor-General into aspects of Auckland Council’s management and governance of the Westgate/Massey North town centre project has been welcomed by the council.

Community 13 Feb 2017

Five more years for Waitākere Community Recycling Centre

Waitākere Community Recycling Centre will continue to flourish after securing a five-year contract with Auckland Council.

Plans / Projects 9 Feb 2017

The City Rail Link: from 1923 to 2023

Emerging Auckland's City Rail Link timeline details the progress of Auckland's most important transport priority from its inception in 2008 to -- all going well -- its completion around 2023.


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