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Environment 18 Oct 2017

Healthy Hunua

Three years on from the first range-wide pest management operation in the Hunua Ranges, the council will apply 1080 to the parkland and some neighbouring DOC and private land.

Cultural 13 Oct 2017

Art brokers bringing Franklin creatives together

An arts brokering initiative has been opening up opportunities for Franklin artists.

Environment 11 Oct 2017

Hunua Ranges bursting with baby kōkako

Auckland Council’s biggest ever pest control operation has chalked up a major victory for the endangered kōkako, with dozens of new chicks hatching in the Hunua Ranges this summer.

Environment 26 Sep 2017

Meet a conservation hero: Andrew Sinclair

OurAuckland chats to Andrew Sinclair, a member of the Whakaupoko Landcare Group who carry out pest control in the Franklin region.

19 Sep 2017

Hunua kiwi population suffers setback

The newly reestablished kiwi population introduced into the Hunua Ranges earlier this year has suffered a setback, with three of the birds being lost as prey to a ferret.

Mayor 28 Aug 2017

Auckland Council votes to get on with Drury South development

A decision on 24 August by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff and Auckland Council's Governing Body has ensured the development of 700 houses and a new business park in Drury South will continue.

Environment 24 Aug 2017

Get ready to roll!

If you live in Howick or south Auckland, it's time to ditch the bags – your new rubbish bin collection starts on Monday 4 September.

Plans / Projects 3 Aug 2017

Pushing on with urban development, mass transit

Proposals to develop structure plans for thousands of homes and jobs in Auckland’s northern and southern areas and planning for mass transit has the go-ahead from Auckland Council.


30 Nov 2024

Christmas on the Green

It's a perfect excuse to get your family and friends together for an evening of Christmas magic.

30 Nov 2024 - 01 Dec 2024

Christmas at Buckland Hall

Christmas at Buckland Hall is a truly magical event for all the family.