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Movies in Parks: The War with Grandpa
A boy goes to war with his grandpa (Robert De Niro) who's moving in and taking his bedroom in thi...
Beginner's panel carving
Learn about different types of wood and their qualities, Māori patterns, carving tools and how to...
Music in Parks: Takutai Square
Auckland Council’s Music in Parks is teaming up with Britomart to celebrate the precinct's 20th b...
Music in Parks Papakura
Music in Parks is proud to partner with Pacific Music Awards to showcase an afternoon of the best...
East Auckland Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon™ 2025
Let’s get our Kiwi kids outside and active.
Harvest & Feast: A Microgreens & Salad Growing Workshop
Learn how to cultivate these nutritious greens at home.
Music in Parks Presents Music at CultureFest
This will be the final event of the season and a huge day of great music and amazing food trucks...