Celebrating Whau's unsung heroes

Last Updated : 01 Mar 2018
Celebrating Whauunsung heroes
From left: Whau Local Board member Seumanu Simon Matafai, award recipient Marjorie Sheat and local board chair Catherine Farmer.

Some of Whau’s unsung heroes have been recognised by Whau Local Board for their outstanding contribution to community well-being and volunteer work.

Individuals and organisations were put forward by local board members who then presented them with ‘Whau Unsung Hero’ awards at a business meeting in New Lynn.

Whau Local Board Chair Catherine Farmer says, “People and organisations like these are the lifeblood of our communities and we are pleased to recognise their work through these awards.”

Award recipients

Avondale College Pacific Network – Nua Silipa in memory of Semau Melaine Sagala
Nominated by Whau Local Board member Seumanu Simon Matafai.
To acknowledge the partnership between school staff, board, parents, and community leaders to advance Pacific academic achievements.

Avondale Community Gardeners – Imi Tovia & Johan Van Ekeren
Nominated by Whau Local Board Chair Catherine Farmer.
For outstanding contribution to design, planting and maintenance of the biodynamic orchard at Orchard Reserve, Avondale. Also, advocacy and design of the Tait Park upgrade.

Hannah Sports & Culture Association Inc – Jinbo Cui
Nominated by Whau Local Board Deputy Chair Susan Zhu.
For managing a recreation centre in Portage Road, for outstanding help to individuals and organisations within the Chinese community, and for leadership in organising the 2015 Chinese New Year celebrations.

Department of Corrections, New Lynn – Paul Rudkin
Nominated by Whau Local Board member Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel.
For outstanding commitment to community safety, liaison with the local police and other relevant government agencies and key stakeholders.

Festival of Cultures Trust – Lusi Schwenke and Savitri Chand
Nominated by Seumanu Simon Matafai.
For outstanding contribution to enhancing the cultural fabric of Whau and celebrating the area’s diversity.

Marjorie Sheat
Nominated by Seumanu Simon Matafai.
For work as a piano teacher for 60 years and a 53-year service as the organist/pianist for the Avondale Union Parish Church.

Martin Ball
Nominated by Ami Chand.
For unrelenting work as a volunteer and dedication to keeping the Whau River clean and safe.

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