Auckland Council is proud to have a number of its people and projects on the shortlist of finalists for the NZI Sustainable Business Network Awards 2015, which will be held at Shed 10 on Auckland’s waterfront on 24 November. The awards celebrate the contribution businesses, government agencies, social enterprises and individuals are making to transform New Zealand into a model sustainable nation.
The SBN Awards have been running for 13 years, and focus on organisations that are making a real difference. Award categories reflect four transformation areas that encapsulate the future direction of sustainability: Renewables, Community, Mega Efficiency, Restorative.
Auckland Council’s 2015 finalists are:
Ricoh Mega Efficiency Innovation Award:
Auckland Council, Creative Spaces, and Fletcher Construction are finalists for the sustainable design and refit of the 135 Albert St building.
Peter Yealands Restorative Innovation Award: Auckland Council is a finalist for the clean-up of the Oruarangi Awa. A dye spill had a devastating impact on the sensitive freshwater environment the stream, and council’s pollution response team responded with containment, an ecological survey, and an Abatement Notice to the company. They are now working to restore the water quality to its natural state.
Restorative Impact Award:
1. Auckland Council co-developed an Industry Pollution Prevention Programme with mana whenua after a 2013 dye spill. The response engaged local businesses about potential issues with the aim of preventing pollution at source.
2. Auckland Council’s Waicare programme has been running for 14 years. Groups participate in freshwater quality monitoring, restoration and advocacy, with the aim of improving the health of their local waterway/s.
Sustainability Champion
Viv Heslop is a Senior Advisor Sustainability Panuku Development Auckland, and is a finalist for her outstanding work on the Wynyard Quarter development project.
Community Impact Award
Waterfront Auckland/Panuku Development Auckland is a finalist for the development of Wynyard Quarter.
Auckland Council also sponsors the Mega Efficiency Impact Award, and Chief Sustainability Officer John Mauro is a member of the judging panel.
For more information on the SBN Awards and the full list of finalists, visit the Sustainable Business Network.