Top 10 camping trip essentials

Last Updated : 03 Dec 2020
Top 10 camping essentials 02

Here’s our short list of 10 essentials that should always be packed whenever you go camping:

  • A tent, tarp and sleeping bag.
  • A pot, pan, dishes, utensils, and fire-starting materials (preferably waterproof matches or a butane lighter).
  • A utility knife and length of rope.
  • Plenty of water (get 10-litre sizes for cooking and cleaning).
  • Energy rich, easily prepared foods and snacks (think pasta, beans, mince, peanut butter, chicken, scroggin, rolled oats).
  • Plenty of clothing (enough for two to three layers daily).
  • A tight-closing chilly bin to store your food items.
  • Hand sanitiser and soap.
  • Sunscreen and any medications you normally take.
  • Outdoor gear like fishing poles and tramping equipment.

Auckland Council operates 44 campgrounds throughout its regional parks, ranging from beach front to back country. Call 09 301 0101 to make a booking.

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